Tuesday 26 October 2021

Shutting Down Purchasing

 I sat and watched a economic news piece yesterday, and the advice given by one 'expert'.....just lessen your purchases, and things will improve.

Back around 2008 (the great stock collapse year).....Germany had a serious financial decline, and someone bought up the standard German dedication for periods like this....lessening purchases.  It quickly got brought up....this traditional remedy to German economic woes (historically)....also brought on an industrial 'mess' where factories went to 50-percent production (folks laid off) and a whole new problem was cranked up within months.  

The experts could actually go back over dozens of years and show the German standard of lessening purchases....was the wrong method for recession and price-issues.  

In this scenario, you'd wake up around April of 2022....where half the number of freighters were progressing across the Pacific, and there were truly less items on the shelves....because production went to a 50-percent level.  Then price-increases would occur on a weekly basis because of the shortages.  

If you use the history of recessions....at least since WW II....most recessions never last more than twelve months.  If you used the history of recessions.....prior to 1900....most recessions went on for two to four years.

The system normally improves the situation....unless you really 'toy' with it and create additional 'triggers'.  

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