Sunday 21 November 2021


 1.  People who identify (like trans) as vaccinated....are vaccinated (believing it is 99.9-percent of the 'game').....even if they aren't vaccinated.  

2.  Joe Biden has said that if you (as a company) pay no taxes....then his new gameplan would require you to pay 15-percent of your income. 

If you think about this, then you should avoid no-taxation, and pay $ say you do pay taxes, rather than pay $5-million as your tax requirement.

3.  The odds of Joe Biden's vaccination program reaching 70-percent of the nation?  I give it a 1-percent chance of happening.  

4.  If your kid wrapped up high school and graduated....then you found that he was marginally at the level of a 7th grade kid, should you blame the current system, or just accept it as part of the new bold world we live in?

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