Thursday 3 February 2022

Trying to Define Fascism In Today's Age

 If you went up to most people (in the US) and asked them to define fascism....they'd stand there for about 30 seconds and half of them would suggest the Italian or German governments of the 1930s.  Beyond that.....they might utter that it's strict and very much like a right-wing dictatorship.  But there's little else they could say.

The fact that it can be a right or left government?  Oh,'s possible.  

The fact that people might vote such a government into place?  Oh, that's possible as well.

Does fascism descent from a progressive government?  In most cases, yes.

The fact that you have to regulate life (in extreme ways) order to bring fascism into everyone's life?  Yeah, that's generally the path.

The trend that you need culture 'wars' going pave the way for fascism in your government?  That's another path.

 As much as we all think that things are evolving and changing.....we might want to go back and revisit the definition of fascism.  

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