Sunday 16 October 2022

How Things Might Turn Out

 1.  January, a Republican House, and Hunter Biden.  

I think some part of the Justice Department is currently hustling up some marginal charges....enough to tell the House committee in January that they can't start an investigation because DoJ has already got one going.  Whether this is enough to cease a massive investigation.....unknown.

2.  Trans clinics.

Before the end of 2023, I expect some civil cases to come up....over American trans kids having committed suicide, and various trans clinics will be facing civil court action.  It'll be enough to worry the clinics over their limited legal insurance, and you will see a rapid shutdown of these clinics going on into 2024.  

The doctors associated with the clinics?  They probably have figured out the end-result for their career, and planning on cashing in....leaving the US for South America.  

3.  US-Saudi relationship collapsing.

By the end of 2022, I expect the Saudis will view the US relationship as a joke, and will openly challenge the US position on things in the Middle East.  If you were expecting gas prices to remain at $3.44? January, it'll be closer to $5.00.  Who to blame?  Well....the Biden team has marginalized the relationship to a great degree, and one ought to ask why, or if this was intentional.

4.  Florida plans to delete licenses for teachers in kindergarten to 3rd grade, if they discuss sexuality or gender?

My gut feeling is that around two-hundred teachers are probably in the mix, and will be shocked when terminated over the license.  Who fills their shoes?  Unknown.  

5.  Jim Acosta from CNN to end up at Fox.

Some chatter says that Acosta will be let go by CNN.  Just my humble belief....I think Acosta might end up at Fox.

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