Thursday 27 July 2023

Four Observations

 1.  Hunter Biden's plea deal falling apart?  Once the prosecutor admitted there were more investigations going on....the judge sat there in amusement.

So when the judge sets terms to be walking around of them is that Hunter has to actively look for a job....with a second narcotic drugs.

I worked with a guy once....who had a sister who got into some type of trouble, and the judge there, imposed a must-look-for-work situation.  In that situation....each week, she had to submit a resume and keep a log of what was going on.  

On me being a boss and having Hunter apply?  Zero chance that I'd hire a guy unless he drug-tested 'clean'.

2.  You noticed....highest rates in 22 years?  Housing purchases...wrapped up in a mess.....people are delaying purchases.

3.  I read today that Mattel (the toy people) want at least five different movies besides Barbie to be made.  Hot Wheels on the list?  Rock-em Sock-em robots?  Yeah.  You can see a negative spiral coming up.

4.  If you wanted some way to predict future 'stupidity' in America.....just watch SouthPark.  Whatever you see of stupid value....expect it within three to five years.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

biden has a gig.
He is a spokes-model for that petroleum outfit in the Ukraine.
Sixty grand a month.
And apparently, his cow-orkers include the off-spring of a great many congress-critters.