Friday 28 July 2023

How The Hunter Court Episode Fell Apart

 When Hunter Biden arrived at the court house with his lawyers....he had this idea that there were four groups in the court (the judge, Hunter  himself, the prosecutor team, and the defense team).

So when things unfolded....the judge went to an odd question....if the 'deal' was set and agreed upon....was this the end of investigative trouble?

I think Hunter and his lawyers assumed so.

Well....the prosecutor answered 'NO'.  There were more investigations going on. 

I would imagine Hunter's lawyers were a bit shocked because they felt they had this at a end-phase.  Hunter?  He might have wondered....what the hell.

There were actually three more parties involved, but not in the room.  There was Joe Biden (dad), his lawyers, and the DoJ bosses (probably three levels of people working deals).

In a matter of ten minutes, the deal was gone.  Hunter had to address the court and say 'not guilty' on the charges.

Then they (Hunter and the lawyers) left.

I would assume they went to some quiet office area and openly discussed what the rest of this investigation was about, and Hunter called 'dad' at some point and asked what was going on.

Dad probably acted stupid.

Why they needed this appearance and the deal of some guilt?  It would appear that this would draw attention off dad's financial dealings (at least for a period of time). 

Now?  Well....this case will now open and potentially....Hunter could end up guilty and sent off for a year of prison.   Or....another deal might be worked up.  More charges?  That's Hunter's biggest fear.

The fact that the judge told Hunter to start looking for a job?  Yeah, that was odd.  The judges words to no drugs or booze?  That was odd too.

If you were looking for some low emotional turmoil, and the potential to get all drugged-up.....I'd say Hunter is at that moment presently.  

The other funny thing?  If you actively listen to NPR or read probably got about 4 lines of text over the event. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Mister biden has a gig.
He is a spokes-model for a petroleum company in the Ukraine.
And apparently, his cow-orkers include the off-spring of several congress-critters.