Saturday 8 July 2023

Odds of AOC As VP?

 If you were wondering...yes, she will be of 'age' for the VP job when the convention rolls around in 2024.  

Presently, via both Biden or RFK....I tend to believe that she will end up on the top three VP choices.  

The slam against her?  As dumb as Harris has been portrayed.....AOC is no better.  On debate skills....I give her at best a '3' (1-to-10).  

Job background?  Basically a bartender-turned-House Member.  

In RFK's case....he's picking someone that would ensure the CIA won't go out and murder him like RFK/JFK.

Why we get stuck into situations like this?  Some unwritten Democratic rule that VP now has to be a female or gay person.  

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