Sunday 12 November 2023

Ten Humble Thoughts

 1.  If you were a traditional Democratic just seems like enthusiasm and hype...are trending less and less.  I don't blame Joe Biden singularly.  It just feels like you've watch a dozen Marvel movies, and heroic climatic 'endings' are getting to a lesser point each month.  

2.  It's just odd....almost everyday, I hear some 'Hitler-this' or 'Hitler-that'.  It's like it's 1946 and the guy is lingering on everyone's mind still.

3.  The odds that the $375-million to be 'given' to the FBI for it's new headquarters building....will be enough? Well....I think it's mostly a joke...that somewhere in the midst of 2025...some FBI manager will report that it's already $100-million over the budget, and yet to reach the 50-percent point of construction.  

4.  I believe there are x-number of young single women (age 21) who are so polarized on politics and personal view of feminism....that more than 50-percent of them will reach age 36....still single and deep into some PTSD-like mental stage about lack of relationships or a permanent BF/husband in their life. 

5.  By 2030,  I  expect the population of billionaires in California (currently at 186) to dwindle down to zero.  It'll be a mysterious thing that state journalists can't explain, without huffing on some cannabis.  

6.  If you'd asked someone in 1980....about their level  of hatred for things....they might have cited the Dallas Cowboys, J R Ewing and instant coffee.  If you ask today.....people will cite one-hundred things by the 5th minute of conversation, and still be talking at minute sixty.  

7.   If the Nazis were around today (like they were in 1936)....they'd observe things and never mount an offensive into France, Russia or the UK.  They'd conquer the civilized world in twenty years....using Nazi-propaganda as woke material.  

8.  Scientists have come out in the past week or say they have this weird theory that not only there was 'big-bang' number one, but that there was a 'big-bang' number two.  I will go out on the limb and just suggest that thousands of big-bangs have occurred, and that we probably aren't done yet (more to come).

9.  If you went down the list of insurrections since might be shocked to note at least fifty.  Even the George Floyd riots....are listed as an insurrection.

10.  We are becoming a nation of shock-proof people....where nothing weird can shock us anymore (even having President Biden announcing some UFO-alien situation is legit, and that Hunter will be leaving the planet  as a 'agent' of the US gov't to the aliens).  

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