Wednesday 17 January 2024

Babylon Bee Commentary

 At least once a day....I'll browse over the The Babylon Bee.  For those who haven't noticed it....the BB does fake news stories (100-percent fake).  The problem is....within 6 to 12 months....people tend to go back and notice that the fake news item has basically turned 'true'.

So today.....the headline was "Healthy High School Kid Fakes Mental Illness So He Can Fit In With Everyone Else."

I paused over it.

If you were 15 years old today, and in some average'd probably note at least 3-percent of the kids in the school as 'mentally ill' (either through prescription pills, cannabis use, mania problems, sexual fetishes, psychosis or full-up paranoia).

If you fell into a group of five or six, and wanted some acceptance?  Well....yes, you would probably fake-up some mental illness or paranoid schizophrenia.  Maybe in the could just do it at school, and 'turn' it off when reaching home.  

The problem I time goes  by....a year or two into this fake act....your mom is probably going to take you some say your psychosis or mania issues are noticeable. You'd fake-talk your way with Doctor Betty, and she'd write something down to be in your permanent were bad-off....then giving you a prescription for some really good alternate-reality drugs.  If you were faking your fetishes or weirdness'll be a permanent thing by this point.

So yeah, I might believe 50-percent of high school kids are in some form of psychosis.

I don't see this ending well.

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