Sunday 18 February 2024

Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) Be A Jesus-Solution?

 Lets say you finally build AI, and on day many genders are there?  AI answers....two.  

Because of the amount of trust you now believe without any discussion...there are only two genders.

So you start asking all kinds stupid questions...finding that AI goes to the logical answer.

A year into realize that woke-stuff is dissolving almost daily. 

Two years into existence, AI is now sending out personal letters/messages to losers....telling them to get a job and work for a living.  Your loser-daughter gets a message from AI....telling the 22-year old to move out of the house and get on with life.

AI eventually sends you a message....cut up the credit card, and avoid debt as much as possible.

AI will tell you that a $75,000 Ford F-150 pick-up isn't worth $75,000.....collapsing the entire industry.

Maybe this AI stuff fixes what is currently broke.

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