Wednesday, 5 February 2025

The Intellectual Deficient Comment

 Is intellectually deficient....the same thing as retarded?

I sat and listened to a Trump Q-and-A, and  he said the intellectually deficient comment....avoiding 'retard'.

Typically, intellectually deficient means you have a serious learning issue, lack of problem solving ability and marginal ability to conduct judgement.

Based off all my years in school, and my military period....I can readily say that if you are intellectually's not fixable or curable. If you are lucky....people around you will help along the way, and sometimes guide you make better judgement calls, or improve your results on problem solving.

Your identifiable IQ?  Typically LESS than 80.  

My general issues in terms of dealing  with such people?  It's hard to get these types into a focused vision.  They also make for the worst planners....always waiting till the damage is severe....before stepping in to resolve and plan your way out of a mess.

Putting such people into a job where decision-making is important? have to draw the line and just say that we need you....but we don't need you to be a manager or 'boss'.

It's just funny....after four years of President Biden....this topic now comes up.

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