Saturday 8 May 2021

Dossier Number Two?

 This week, we learned that the secret-agent team over in the UK....produced up a second Donald Trump Dossier.  This supposed to be everything that happened once he became President, and has juicy Russian-slut stories, etc....well...that's the hint.

The odds that the secret-agent crew is producing DT-Dossier number three for November 2024's election, and has a agent or two working on DT-Dossier number four for the period after the election?

At some point, you start to lose respect for the secret-agent crowd and feel like they ought to stick with Tom Cruise movie-script ideas, or hire themselves out to the Iranians for steady checks.

The fact that decent newspapers fall into the dossier-pit and try to hype secret-agent theories?  Well...these are the same newspapers that failed to discuss Hunter Biden or any of his you don't really put much trust in their marginal reporting.  

As for the KGB guys feeding these idiots the fake stories?  They go back to the local Moscow pub and laugh over how stupid the Brit secret-agent guys are, and that they generally believe anything they are told.  

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