Saturday 8 May 2021

Just Another Thing To Worry About

 Daily Caller made the topic into a 40-line story.

An estimate occurred (so it's not truly factual)....but the folks at Bellwether Education Partners says in their summary....around three million school-kids across the US....just plain stopped going to classes (virtual or in person) as the Covid era started up.

They didn't break them up into age groups or go state by state (would have been nice to know that).

The odds that they will return?  How would you 'herd' them back into the system, and are they more than 1-year behind?

Do we really need a bunch (2-to-3 million) of burger-flippers?

Another curious question to ask.....what exactly did the 3-million 'kids' do for the past 16 months?  Did they hang out at malls?  Did they master video games?  Did the older 'kids' become involved in romantic relationships?  Did they mostly sit and play 'fetch' with the family dog?  Did they 'weed-up'?

For some reason, I think we have a pretty dynamic problem brewing and it's going to be fairly serious over the next three or four years.

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