Saturday 8 May 2021

Why Aren't There 'Woke' Debates?

 There's probably a thousand questions in my mind (continually) which are unanswerable (examples: is there a color for a mirror, or why hopeless romantics are usually single for their entire life, or is Brittney Spears crazy-crazy or just a person addicted to doing crazy stuff).  

Someone in the past week or two brought up the question....why aren't there 'woke' debates.  It's a good question, but there is no true answer.

Typically, a guy/gal who says they are 'woke'....then gets drawn to a debate over their 'woke' feeling....doesn't really want to discuss the wokeness, the draw to the agenda, or explain themselves.  It reminds one in various ways of people who are cult-members but never want to explain why.

Is there a rehab for woke folks?  As far as I clinic has diagnosed it as a 'problem' or started up a rehab program for folks in this situation.  

A 'recovering' woke person?  There's probably hundreds of thousands....but most probably don't want to admit they got woke, because it's pretty silly to admit this.

As for debating things?  Usually, in business, science and philosophy....debate is helpful and helps to move some idea forward or identify the idea as pretty lame.  

So this is all useless?  I would suggest that merely offering up a coffee to a woke guy/ talk over the Braves pitching staff, or transmission problems, or the useless sport factor of golf....ought to be attempted, with the intent to start a drifting conversation on other topics.  Then thirty minutes into this 'talk'....the woke-guy will suddenly realize that you got him deep into defending his sacred woke-pattern, and he can't defend it.  

I'm not saying you ought to be sneaky.....but you might find this tactic to be something to deprogram the poor individual and bring them back to reality.

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