Thursday 21 January 2021

SAT Test Story?

 Read a piece today out of the NY Times....the SAT people stood up this week and said there's some serious troubles here for standardized testing.

What they say is that education is so screwed up because of 2020 and 2021....they are going to dismiss subject tests and the essay piece.

What you end up with?  I'm not really sure.  It sounds like a marginalized test that you'd give a 12th-grade kid who had a ninth-grade education.  

This kinda leads me to this....if this is the new standard, and 'Karl' arrives at the University of Ohio....more or less at a ninth-to-tenth grade level....what will Karl do for the next four years?  Will they develop a special degree requiring five years (instead of four), and costing you another $20k?  

Or would they go to a lower expectation....where you graduate after four years of college and be something a 'high-school plus two years' type of graduate?  

The home-school kid being more advanced than you?  Well...that's another issue as well.

If you go and admit all of this....why even bother sticking around after the 11th probably peaked at that point and should just GED yourself a high-school diploma.  

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