Thursday 21 January 2021

When an Executive Order Isn't an Order

 One of the first executive orders handed out by President Biden basically says....he's asking you to wear a mask in public.

It's not really an order.  It's just asking you to do something.

It'd be like me asking you to use only six sheets of toilet paper when you come to visit my house and intend to use my toilet.  

It'd be like me asking you to roll the window down if you were smoking in my car.

It'd be like me asking the next-door neighbor gal who is mowing the grass in a string put on a t-shirt and shorts.

Generally, orders are a bit direct.  If you've been in the Army or Navy....when 'Sarge' or the 'Chief' says X....he's blunt about X happening.  Sarge doesn't ask you to comply...ever.  

This mask order?  It's not blunt or direct.

The outcome of this?  It'll be hyped to the ninth-degree by the news media, but frankly.....I doubt if it adds more than one-percent more on the wear-crowd.  The non-wearer crowd?  Some idiot journalist will start to refer to them as domestic terrorists....just to make a marginal one-star point.  

Maybe in two months....he'll come out with another non-order executive order, and by the end of 2021....folks will grumble that these non-orders aren't really much more than BS.  

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