Thursday 21 January 2021

The Seven Things That Trump Didn't Grasp

 1.  The pee-dossier, the Russia-Russia-Russia allegations, the Mueller investigation, and behavior of the Justice Department wasted the entire first two years of the administration.  All of these can now be regarded as juvenile in nature, and won't be discussed by the news media in any fashion.

2.  Sessions was a 1-star ineffective executive as Attorney General with a political stance mostly against Trump.  As much negativity that you can lay out on 'Rex' (the dismal choice for Secretary of State) and Mathis (who could not grasp a Pentagon existing in a non-war period), Sessions still beat out both gentlemen.  

3.  For every single Republican that was pro-Trump, there was another Republican who was anti-Trump.  In the Senate, this was more than obvious.  At least fifteen Republican Senators were not capable of supporting the party or the administration. 

4.  Without the TTIP deal with the EU, there is NO trade agreement existing.  So four years was wasted in putting up tariffs to influence a trade deal, with the retaliation of the EU always the next step.  Virtually every single country in the EU will tell you that some type of TTIP deal must occur, but they have no idea how to make it happen.  Trump's push to have no barriers on trade?  It went nowhere but straight to retaliation.  

5.  The CIA and FBI were weaponized at least six months before Trump even arrived in DC.  Trump would have had to dismiss a hundred top managers on day one to make some impact.

6.  For each four-star individual brought into the Trump camp over four years.....there was a one-star pick.  Some were recommended by insiders who wanted the Trump group to fail.  Trump probably figured this out around the end of the third year.  

7. The Chinese pulled every single card out to play in this election.  Even when the CIA noticed this....they mostly just kept they were expecting it to happen.  

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