Friday, 28 February 2025

Three Things That Don't Make Sense To Me

 1.  I was sitting and reading on car purchases this week, and the 96-month car loan came up.

Yeah, a car loan arranged to cover eight years.

You are basically talking about a guy buying a $80,000 car....probably with no more than $2,000 as a down-payment.

In my mind, I'd ask....what car would last eight years? Along about the fifth year....I'd have trust issues.   Along about the sixth year....I'd probably be spending $4k to $6k on repairs each year. 

It makes no sense.

2.  Lets imagine that 1,500 guys went off to Epstein's isle, and 500 of them were drugged-up at some point....knocked-out.....with photos taken  of them with some 13-year old a compromising situation.

So you (Epstein) later show the guy the pictures and know x-amount of information on 'something', and my 'people' (the Mossad folks) want that information.  You will provide it.

So in the end....Mossad knew something of value that they used to trade or use for themselves.

If this is the end-story of the Epstein stuff....who exactly is the real 'bad-guy' here, and what exactly are you going do about it?

3.  The more that this Epstein discussion makes me think that the FBI 'wandered' into this mess at some  point....brought Epstein around to their 'side'....making him a double-agent.

Who they cared about?  Not Hollywood folks, or scientists.....they wanted political figures.

So there might be two 'Doctor-Evils' in this scripted situation. 

Thursday, 27 February 2025

The Thing About the Hundred-Odd CIA Guys/Gals Dismissed

 As you read through the material.....they were actively (probably spending two hours a day) on some internal server area....chatting about sex.  Might have been various levels of stuff....that were fairly weird or kinky.

So you get the call....dismissed....last day of work.

You go home...making calls...only to discover that no one in the DC area is hiring. By the weekend, you call your parents....letting them know that you might be coming home for a while.

What you figure out by the 30th day....virtually no one is hiring.  The $30,000 in credit card debt?  A problem now.  That $75,000 in college loans?  That's a problem too.

By day 75....your parents are trying to help you get a pharmacy-clerk job....which you refuse.

The ten CIA folks who were your 'chat-buddies'?  Same boat....none employed.

Your dad comes up around day 104....saying he can get you on with the 'plant'....$22 an hour.  You accept the deal...just shaking your head.  This is a straight 40-man-hours a week, and occasionally they ask you to work an extra eight over the weekend.  

Thirty years will will still live in the parent's house, and still working at the plant...remembering how great that CIA job was.

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

What Really Happens When The Full Epstein Client List Is Released? get a list of about 2,500 names (my humble guess), and about 80-percent of the will recognize.  I expect it to be 95-percent male....5-percent female.

Over the course of the next seven days....these folks will be quizzed, and 99.9-percent will say they just spent three days on the isle...drinking and conversing.  A couple will admit they had physical relations with some Hollywood actress, or some  4-star singer.

Then some guy will admit....he was drugged-up, and woke up....not remembering anything, but later was shown a picture/video....of him with a 13-year old girl or boy.

Then this guy will admit he was blackmailed by Epstein, and that it led back to some Mossad people. So he provided insider info to that group.

So about three months will pass, and it'll be apparent....the Mossad folks....using Epstein....arranged a lot events.

The one odd name that might show up on the listing?  Larry Silverstein.  If you see his name....then you might want to ask more questions.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Ten Things I Believe

 1.  Before the end of 2025....members of the House J6 Commission....will be before a grand jury, and explaining their version of things.  Some 'facts' won't match up.  At least three members will resign.

2.  MSNBC will re-invent itself....mostly as a news service, with zero political propaganda.

3.  The US and Russia will have various trade deals worked out by the end of 2025.

4.  The Epstein island business will lead back to rogue Mossad ex-agents....begging the question how close they were with the Israeli gov't.

5.  At least 100 CIA employees will be charged with soliciting deals with Chinese agents....because of their unemployment situation.

6.  I suspect that if you lined up 100 government service workers,  and asked them for 5 minutes to write three accomplishments for  last week....only about sixty of them could do it.  From the remaining forty....a quarter would spend an hour arguing with you that it's not their job to  respond to such a request...a quarter would respond they don't remember  last week (indicating alcohol drug issues), a quarter would have to ask co-workers what they did, and a quarter would start an effort but get side-tracked and waste two days writing the response.

7.  I'll predict by the end of 2025....more  than 12,000 former gov't employees (let-go)....will be hired as private security for grocery stores across the nation.

8.   We will discover that  4,000 NSA employees were sex-chatting on gov't man-hours....on a gov't internal (secure) computer system.

9.  At some  point, the DOGE folks will determine that over 1,600 abortions were performed....on trans-women, and the federal government in some way....paid for them.

10.  When the Diddy list comes out.....we will find that forty NBA players were among those 'guests'. 

Monday, 24 February 2025

The White House 'Bug' Story

 So what is said....a different type electronic 'sweep' occurred. The comments lead me to think it's not the Secret Service....maybe it's a commercial company.  They picked up a different type of frequency near the desk (oversized).  So  it's been removed and it'll be analyzed.

My humble guess?

First, it's  likely a bug that was embedded.  They will drill out the suspect area.

Who? Well....once you have the bug....the brand/model will come into play.  Probably a customized bug....leading you to no company.

CIA?  FBI?  Mossad?  FSB?   Chinese?  Brits?  Former Biden crew?   CNN?  I might have a list of forty-odd folks.

Then I'd suspect whoever did this bug....probably has another dozen bugs around the entire White there's going to be a massive 'drill' to take place.  And it'll be repeated every single week.

But I'll add this one suspicion.....that this was a low-frequency bug, and it probably needed a bug-dump to someone who walks into the room.  Figure's someone 'trusted' on the Trump-staff, or the cleaning-crew.  

Crazy crap?  Yeah....planned out.  Once they knew he wanted the over-sized desk....they went to work to design a special bug.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Humble Thoughts

 1.  What's to be found in Fort Knox when Trump and Elon arrive?

All of the gold on the inventory sheet is there. But folks will be talking about it for a week.

2. USAID had around $4.4-billion spent on houses for Haiti.

So far, the audit can determine six houses finished. Beyond that....nothing.  Where the bulk of money went?  Unknown..

3. Trump-team is laying out conditions for California to get fire-money ($40-billion range). 

Some chatter says the California Costal Authority.....has to be one of the conditions.

4.   Some House member is pushing for drug-tests on all House/Senate members.

Anyone's guess how many would fail in one year.  The rule should be.....30 days of rehab mandated, and no voting ability in that 30-day period.

5. I have this odd feeling.....ATF will not exist by the end of 2025....Alcohol-Tobacco-Firearms?  Folded into US bet.

In Case You Were Wondering About Wealth

 You can only gain wealth through eight methods:

1.  Busting your balls for forty-odd years.

2.  Start a monopoly.

3.  Get into insider-trading or futures-trading.

4.  Politically pay off people to get special access.

5.  Plain-old-fashion-fraud.

6.  Invent something unique.

7.  Inherit it.

8. Become a professional wrestler.

9.  Run a circus-like MEGA-Church.  

10.  Open an island, invite stupid people to visit, and blackmail them.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

My Advice To The 500 FBI Agents 'Deploying' To Huntsville?

 Late Friday, the new boss of the FBI gave the order....1,000 of the DC FBI-centered agents....must leave the shadow of DC.  Of this 500 are heading to the science-lab center in Huntsville, Ala, and the rest will be dispersed around the US.

So my advice....if you made it to the 500-list for Huntsville.....your position is safe.  You shouldn't grumble, or say any criticism whatsoever.  

You shouldn't complain about summer heat.

You shouldn't hype any criticism of Bama football.

You might have a case to grumble about the limited airport facilities, but you can always use Nashville....only two hours away.

You will be able sell your DC property, and find a equal or better property....for half the DC price.

This tornado warning business?  Lets be honest....maybe in a three-year period....there's one single warning that puts you within 5-miles of a track. 

Lets put things in will find the science of crime being developed in Huntsville's center more interesting than what goes on in DC.

Life just got a boost up....if you ask me.

Five Things I'm Not Understanding

 1. President Joe Biden went off almost every Friday to the Delaware beach house. He stumbles along along to the chopper...then half the times on Sunday evening....he arrives back with an entirely different walking style.  You notice over that next couple of days...he's mostly coherent.  The  Friday comes....he walks in a reasonable fashion to the chopper....leaves....returns on Sunday....with the weird walking style, and is fairly incoherent for a week.  It's like there were two Joes existing and being occasionally swapped out.

2.  The rumor is...President Trump is going to pursue some kind of audit over three Senators.  I doubt that they will be cooperative, but lets say in the end....all three for a decade have twenty-five-odd futures 'betting' (on the stock market) and they were highly successful in ALL 25 situations, each.

To have a perfect record in futures trading?  Nearly impossible.  So the honest thing for Trump to  then do....send the SEC investigators in, and legally challenge the three to explain how they reached their strategy.  

Each would then profess lobbyists 'helping' them, and this would turn into a bigger mess (likely leading to  Black Rock).

3.  Epstein Island.  Over the past two months....I've viewed twenty-odd podcasts and they all basically weave the story that Epstein was totally connected to Mossad, and this was an intelligence-gathering and 'manipulation' operation.

So the question to me.....was this real Mossad-Mossad connections (operated by the Israeli gov't).....OR was it outsider-Mossad (faked-up) and just convincing Epstein that they were Mossad when they weren't.

Then I start to wonder....everything gathered in this manipulation....was it data sold in some internal market?

Or does this just lead back to the Israeli gov't, who invested in their own 'game'?

4.  With all this LA fire business....we seem to get daily reports of massive incompetency built into city and state it's a collection  of 5th-grade kids who run things.

Is it intentionally designed to be a Micky-Mouse-operation?

5. Finally, some polling has indicated that the front-runner for President in 2028 for the former VP Harris.  Mayor-Pete was in 2nd place.

How is this possible?

Thursday, 20 February 2025

This Approaching Era

 I was watching a podcast last week....discussing gov't workers being laid off...housing explosion being noticed in DC-region with homes being listed for sale, and the question....what comes to the bulk of these workers?

If you were a non-DC were probably making $30k range for a GS-4, and in the GS-11 level of $60k.  Manager?  GS-12/13?  $72k to $88k (starting out).

If you were a DC worker at GS-12/13? $94k to $116k (starting out).

Where you can find a job in that range today? Well....if the economy were could find work in places like Texas (some degree).  

In the downward economy of today?  About 95-percent of folks  are looking at a 30-percent pay-cut minimum....maybe even 50-percent.

Can you sell that Arlington or Fairfax home for $850,000?  NO.  You probably will take a 30-percent cut in that 2024 value.

If you were at the tail-end of a 30-year mortgage (the final 5 years)? are screwed.

Banks in the Maryland/Virginia region...likely to collapse by the end of 2025?  I'd start to wonder about that problem.  Lets say you assumed ownership because of defaults....where could you market a $800,000 home of 2024 value, but find no one really interested in that value?

Job-hunting?  Those in their 50s and needing another ten years to reach retirement?  They probably will end up accepting $50k jobs.  Some will end up in RV trailers living on the coast of North  some early retirement scheme, and pulling 40 hours a week at some Wal-Mart to get basic health-care coverage. 

Some falling suicidal thoughts?  I could see that developing rather quickly.  

People arguing with potential HR folks....they want a work-at-home situation and are being told zero-chance of that.  

The folks who have marginal debt and lived already in a owned-home situation?  They will survive and find new work...accepting a 25-percent pay-cut and proceeding on in life.

Depopulation in both Virginia and Maryland?  I would suggest by 2030 (next Census)....that both lose around 10-percent of their base population.  That population being  upper-middle-class?  Well....yeah, that will be noticed by both states in terms of taxes collected. Both will  have budget problems and being drawn into the California/NY state  'trap'.

So here's my ultimate thought on this era....a whole bunch of college-educated folks will proclaim by 2035....there's just not ample work for the degree they 'earned', and a fair number end up in craftsman  or industry jobs...paying back college loans and grumbling the mess they got themselves into.

If Trump Assumes 'Control' Over Washington D.C?

 First, it'll be legally challenged by the mayor/city council.....however, the text of the original understanding says that the federal government has ultimate control (funding) and that they are allowing local management.

So I would go and suggest three things very likely to unfold quickly: (1) everything east of the Anacostia River (roughly one-quarter of DC) reverting to Maryland, (2) everything west of Rock Creek and Potomic Parkway (the far western one-third of the whole district, to include Georgetown)....also goes back to Maryland, (3) Trump likes to renames I think the District of Columbia would be renamed 'New Columbia'.  

For what remains?  Trump might offer up a Constitutional Amendment....saying that one electoral vote will be added for the region (minus the farwest, and the Anacostia region).  

As for daily management?  I think he will agree to a commissioner with a two-year term, with a 2-star general to head police and fire protection (under the Corps of Engineers).  

Locals shocked?  Oh yeah.....this will  turn into a massive legal fight.

Humble Observations

 1.  All this Trump-Elon chatter about a 'tour/audit' of Fort Knox.  They seem pretty determined now, and it begs the they know of some missing gold?  

Just getting pretty weird now.

2.  Curious, Delta is saying it'll pay out $30,000 a that Toronto crash....if you agree not to tangle with them in court.  Just makes you curious.

3.  We are living in an era when you get halfway into a news article, then you halt to's fabricated (faked-up).  

4.  Crazy talk.....IRS to lay-off 6,000 folks by Friday?

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

How Social Security Screwed Up

 The chart to the Elon's listing of people getting Social Security.  So for the first 8's probably 95-percent 'correct'.  Then you get to around the 100-to-109 age group, with 4.7-million.  At best....there might be about 500  you know  it's  off.

The 120-129?  You can be's zero, but they are obviously paying 3.5-million folks a check.

So how?  

It comes down to two things.....death announcement/certificates, and the people at Social Security failing their job.

Re-use of numbers?  Well....NO.....their policy is not to re-use them.

The two folks between 240-369 years old?   I suspect it's purely a typo. I don't think the age is correct, period.

These listed for 150 years old?  I'd suggest from the first month of existence (August 1935)....there were some 70-year old folks working, and paying into the system.  A  year or two later.....they passed on, and the death was never noted.   Check was mailed out....the postal guy noted 'Gus' was deceased...check returned.  At the Social Security return office....they just never updated the system.

The development of automatic deposits?  That occurred around 1975.  I would imagine for at least 20-million dead folks....they had a second account that the family knew nothing about....the death was missed, and sitting in that bank account a three-quarters-million (if it started  in 1975).

Can they get the money back?, yes.  But you'd need at least three-thousand folks  working on this, and figure at least three years of time to finish. 

This amounting to a couple billion?  Yeah.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Weekend Chatter

 I watched a Sunday morning talk-show clip....Marco Rubio....being interviewed by CBS's Margaret Brennan....where in the middle....she (Brennan) asserts that assertion that free speech in Germany in the 1930s caused the arrival of the Nazis, and the Holocaust.

Rubio pauses in the answer, and then blasts Brennan.  'Made-up' history crap.

You the past 20-odd years....there were so many idiots who were hired by Presidents....that half of them would readily agreed with Brennan.  Rubio is ultra smart and more than capable to answer questions.

As for the arrival of the Nazis?  If you look back at treaty signed by Germany, the UK, France and the US....the reparations demanded by the the entry-door for the Nazis to be in position in  benefit from chaos of Wall Street. 

Free Speech? By the mid-1930s....after the arrival of the was gone.  

Saturday, 15 February 2025

How a Fraudulent Scam Using Gov't Funds Would Work

 Lobbyist group 'X' comes to exist, and has twenty companies supporting them.  Figure around $700-million in faked-up costs and the federal gov't  pays the 'bill'.

So the lobbyist group is paid $400-million.

Out of this, 10-percent ($40-million) is the cost of running the lobby organization in DC (building, operations, salary,  leased cars, paid lunches, booze, etc).

Another 10-percent ($40-million) goes to the Senate/House support staff.  This is to ensure the Senator or Representative goes by the script.  So you might funnel a $20,000 weekend trip to Vegas, pay a private golf membership club deal, pay for the staff-members daughter to attend Duke University, etc.  

Another 10-percent ($40-million) probably goes to the government agent who funneled the contract to the right company.  He might get a bag of forty gold-coins, a cash-card loaded with $10,000, or an exceptional low-interest house loan via a friendly bank. Maybe there's a private jet trip to the Bahamas for the agent and his wife every August.  

Another 10-percent ($40-million)would funnel off to the Representative/Senator himself.   Maybe you'd arrange for their wife to get a charity-operation executive job (say $150k a year), or arrange for the Senator's girlfriend to have an apartment in the DC area.

Finally, you have the big-pot to handle campaign donations.   You pay some TV station to ensure super-positive comment.  You pay a PAC to help.  You rig donations.  At the end of the campaign....if the Congressman has a $150k arrange for special friends to pay the debt.

The funny that it's the gov't money funding all of this crap.  You can figure that almost all of the House and Senate members are tangled-up in this, and getting some type of 'gift'.  

Friday, 14 February 2025

My One Trip To The Kennedy Center

 This week, the Kennedy Center (in DC) got into the news.  Basically, President Trump dumped the 'manager', and brought in a new guy.

The new guy asked the budget-folks what's in the pot, and they responded 'nothing'.  Even in the maintenance pot....there's zero.  What they can show....the top-level  of the crew....for the past couple of years....had a fantastic salary, but could not make the Kennedy Center profitable.

I've been  to the Kennedy Center once in my life....back around 2012.

I went to a musical showing of Madam Butterfly.  

The Pentagon recreation folks had these discount tickets.....I still ended up paying around $75 for what I consider a nose-bleed seat in the top balcony.

I got there early and being from 'Bama'....I surveyed the facility (meaning I checked out the bathroom and it was 5-star).

Around the halfway point of the show....they paused for a break.   As I tried to exit the  balcony area, and this hefty older gal...probably in a tight evening dress....did some kind of fainting spell.  Some other gal....about 10 feet away....then seemed to sway a bit and seemed ready to collapse. At that point....I felt 'faintish'.  

To be honest, the story-line of Madam Butterfly didn't seem to thrill me, and the faint-business was starting to worry me.  

I decided....enough.   I left at the half-way point.  I took the DC subway home.

What's going to happen to the Kennedy Center?  I'm going to predict that the culture crowd....all bothered by Trump taking over....will refuse to offer crappy musicals, or leftist fits of rage, and the Kennedy Center by the end of mostly closed down.  

To be honest, if you consider the local feeling for are better off with NFL football, or professional wrestling.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

The Weirdest Angle Of Revealing?

 With Trump saying he's going to put the truth out....what's the weirdest angle that we might expect on:

1.  UFOs

- We discover there's only one single race of aliens, and they are marginally brighter than humans.   Over 70 years....we've only taken one single craft of theirs apart, and figured out the technology....mostly in the last five years....due to some guy coming in on weekends...named 'Elon'.

2.  9-11:

- We discover that Bin Laden was not the chief source of 9-11....that it was a CIA-group and a Saudi-prince who developed the attack, blamed it off to Afghanistan.

3.  JFK shooting

- We discover that JFK was on the verge of firing almost all of the top-level  of the CIA.   

4.  Covid agenda

- We discover that the plan  to develop  it occurred around 2008-2010, and it had more to do with getting a large segment of society inserted with nano-probs/bio-engineering than anything else.

5.  Epstein agenda and guests

- A Mossad operation from day-one, and over 500 guests compromised in some way. It was mostly to get financial information to bet on the future's market at Wall Street.

6.  Expenditures/Musk/Big Balls

- We discover that since 2008 and the increasing-factor of spending....relates to massive use of cash in the Fed for fraudulent lending, and fraudulent 'grants' to benefit only Democratic projects. In the end, we add up the numbers, and half of almost every single budget...was wasted.

Just a Story I Will Admit

 After I retired from the military, I spent around twelve years as a contractor....working hand-in-hand for the same military organization I retired from.  I worked for Company-X.

Things were fine with Company-X, for about six months, then the new contract had to be worked up. By the end, our company took a lesser contract.  It was a 'win', but on yearly salary/benefits....we all took a 3-percet 'cut'.  At that point, I lost respect for the contractor situation.

Five years would pass, and we'd re-compete once again....this time, Company-Y won.  Company-Y was fuc*ed-up to the maximum and they anticipated that all of people (currently in Company-X) would slip over., once they laid out the pay-scale/benefits....maybe 10-percent of the people stayed.  

Me?  I ended up staying, and taking a 15-percent pay-cut.  The single-plus-up?  Well....they gave me seven days of sick-leave each year.  The sick-leave disappeared twelve months later.

So in my vault area....there were just two of us from the old team....with 12 empty positions.  

Company-Y had forty resumes.  They passed them to my military boss (a GS).  He came to me and said....pick.

I sat there mostly amazed.  He didn't want to waste an afternoon doing this.

So I  sat there with the one remaining Company-X employee....a female, and we discussed the 're-build'.  

Typically, the old company was pro-guy...meaning if they had four positions open, they hired one single female. That was the HR-tech side of things.

I eventually went and did something 'crazy'....I racked up the resumes (forty of them), and found 15 of them were female.  Of the 12 positions....I filled two guys and ten women.  

I figured my GS boss would catch this and say something.  No....he didn't.  

About six weeks later......they began to arrive, and the rest of the vault came to overwhelming female presence.  

Yeah, I rigged it....but no one from HR or the hiring authority grasped my prioritization. 

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Three Crystal Ball Predictions

 1.  In about two to three weeks....someone is going to call the Mayor of LA (Bass) and simply say that Elon Musk's plane is landing in LA in about an hour.  She will call out her secret 'spies' to follow Musk.

So about two hours pass, and the 'spies' report back.  Musk is in the burned-out part of LA, and talking to locals....a lot of locals.  They will note that he's brought five or six of his 'get-it-done' young prodigy people (the Big-Balls crowd).

Six hours pass, and the 'spies' report Elon has departed.  

A day later, Trump will announce that the mayor and  governor are failing.....the federal gov't is stepping in, and a team of Big-Balls geeky guys are putting the fix-it operation in place, with federal marshals protecting them.

2.  Governor Newsom will approach Trump in late March to say that all the Latin American construction workers have disappeared because of he (Newsom) wants Trump to approve entry/work-papers for 30,000 Chinese  construction workers to enter the get the job done.  Trump refuses, and instead offers Mexico 10,000 permanent work-permits.

3.  Finally, an audit will be done over the California high-speed rail....showing it has no real study done prove it would ever be used.  The project will quickly die-off. 

The Kiseki Man

 This past week....Japan's Prime Minister showed up in the US, and pledged $1-trillion for US investment purposes. 

Yeah, it's an awful lot.

So I pondered over this.

Japan has this term they use in describing a battle or assassination attempt.....where a massive effort was made....lives lost, and yet it was a failed attempt.  

In their mind....if you tried to kill someone and it failed....the person (surviving)...has some type of unforeseen destiny now attached.  They are no longer a mortal man.  The term?  Kiseki.  

This would be the description attached to Trump.  

Japanese folks attached to  the term 'immortal'?  They have a word which loosely translates to immortal....but it also means 'undying' and 'imperishable'.

I won't suggest that they are a bit crazy over traditions or legends, but they do attach a status to things....which goes beyond the norm.

The trillion-dollar gamble?  They seem pretty sure.

This Trump - Afrikaner - South Africa 'Solution'?

 Well....for those who haven't followed South the past month or two, the country finally signed off on on the Expropriation Bill [B23-2020].  It basically says when the gov't  feels like can take (without payment) farmland, orchards, vineyards, and 'redistribute' to locals.  How the locals are determined?  Unknown.

So...Trump came out and said this agenda is unfair, and that if you intend to have to pay off the 'hurt-party'.  South Africa probably freaked out when they read that comment.

Trump's next reaction?  Treat the Afrikaner folks (the whites) as refugees, and ease them into the US.

Who are the Afrikaners.  They are a Southern African ethnic group....descended down from predominantly Dutch settlers....who came to the Cape of Good Hope in 1652. 

Population?  2.7-million were listed from a decade ago.

Would I divide them into three or more status groups? have the farmers who are still doing well financially, and haven't seen their farms taken.

At the bottom, there's probably around 300,000 in a welfare class and having trouble.  

So if they are granted refugee status?  My humble view?  I think he will sign off  on 300,000 being resettled into the US (in 2025)....with at least six to ten jumbo 747 (400 pax) per week.  

As for where they end up in bulk?  Well....I'm guessing districts that are marginally 'owned' by Democrats today, and in four years...would be less 'owned' by Democrats (like eastern Oregon, eastern Washington,  upstate Michigan, and southern Georgia).

Crazy scenario?  Absolutely, and only by South Africa reversing it's take-property concept...would it stop.  

Just plain white (Dutch) refugees?  Yeah, that's the amazing part of the story.   Their loyalty to Trump?  It would be awful intense.

A problem for CNN to explain why it's racist to deny Afrikaners?  Maybe.  

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Humble Thoughts

 1.  It kinda hit me yesterday....back in November....I voted for the felon-guy, the hillbilly-ex-Marine, the mad-scientist-turned-rocket-geek, and this kid named 'Big Balls'.  

It was a overwhelming I'd assembled the Avengers to go off and save something.

2.  Amazing....paper straw mandate gone.  Plastic straws back in fashion.

3.  Crazy stuff out of NY City.  Apparently, with all the ICE business going on and illegals evaporating....suddenly, the 'rich'  have a problem....their marginally paid maids/nannies are gone.  I get the impression....the 'rich'  weren't really that rich to start with.

4. Some report came up.....over a interview with a US government employee....he had some 19-year-old DOGE guy engage him in a 15 minute interview....basically to “justify their existence.” After that....there was a fire/no-fire 'X' written down.

Personally, I think the story is BS.

However, if you are a US gov't employee, and you really don't have more than a 3 inch by 5 inch card of information about what you probably don't have a real job.

5.  On taxable income and refunds for 2026?  At this point....whatever your tax bill is for spring of 2025....I would imagine Elon's crew will cut around 30-to-50 percent of governmental spending.  So if  your fed-tax bill was $ might want to expect this to be in the range of $3.5k to $4k.

But here's the thing....all this Elon magic going aimed at the fed-level.

What if Trump sends the audit team to states/cities, and says....your fed-funding ends unless you agree to allow Elon's audit crew to view your cash flow?

Well....that $10k you pay for property tax,  state income tax, and crazy local fees?   That's likely to dissolve by 50-percent.

So, I'll predict....Elon's audit folks get deeper into the mess in 2026.  

Friday, 7 February 2025

Five Things I Kinda Noticed

 1.  If you were a business or farmer, and had a dozen illegals as your main manpower....for ten years, and never paying them legit wages, or covering state/federal might not want to admit this in public, as to explaining why your operation is in failure mode.

2.  If you follow Chicago news....the backers/donor folks have kinda started to exit the Obama Presidential Center project.  

3.  This week....reading through the WaPo business section....I'm rather shocked to learn the economy is in a spiral, and appears awful fragile.  Just odd...four years of signals and never any questions, and now they'd like to lay out problems.

4.  Just Nevada this week....the state admitted more Republicans now registered to vote....than Democrats.  It's been over 20 years when that last occurred.

5.  Trump signed off on giving Israel the 'ultimate' bunker-buster bomb.  This is the type that you'd drop on a target that will bust a 20-ft concrete wall at 100 ft in the dirt.  Begs the question  what exactly they will be engaging.

This Trump-Chatter About Term-Limits

Trump said yesterday....he'd like to push for a term-limit situation.  It wasn't detailed and you have to  wonder what would be included.

Wondering how to deliver an amendment to the Constitution?  The system says that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress....with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate,  or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. 

I should note the second method....none of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by constitutional convention.  It's highly unlikely.

What I see as the tactic?  All of 2026 will be consumed by Trump chatter....pushing for a massive GOP-win  in November 2026, and forcing out of any Republican who won't sign and pledge to the amendment.

The enticement?  I think he'll include the Supreme Court, and all of the federal judges in the situation as well.  For some Democrats....they probably would  be pleased.

How this might be worded?  Simple text.....12 total consecutive years as a House/Senate member.  You leave for a minimum of 4 years, and you could run again. 

For the Supreme Court....once in are limited to ten years.  

I'm also of the age text say you have to resign/retire by age a judge, House member, or Senator.  

Odds of passing?  Unknown....but it won't come up until January of 2027. 

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Do I Believe Most Gov't Workers Taking Trump Buy-Out Will Retire?

 The number mentioned at this point (nationally) is 40,000.  Some people believe by the end (say mid-March)'ll be near the 80k to 100k level.

So, I will suggest this....the bulk of them are in the age 50 or they are mostly looking at the use of their TSP (gov't IRA) age use (55 or above), and they will market their house....going for some cheaper lifestyle. 

If they live California....they will up and leave.  If they live in the DC area.....the property will  be up for sale in March.  

The folks who are in their 30s to age 54?  Well....they will test the market, and I imagine that they will think there's jobs out there....still in their price-range.  Most, after 6 months....will grasp that this idea is crazy, and they will have to accept a 30-percent pay-cut.  Some FBI folks are probably finished....and will be looking at a teacher's job.

Some mental syndrome developing?  I would take a guess that 5-percent will be seeking some mental stress help by mid-summer.  


I watched a piece off social media today...where a 20-something year old gal....noted that she was interviewing for a job, and had asked the HR-'Boss' if they understood that she had time-blindness.

What she meant?  Well....she didn't really obligate herself to a clock. If they expected her to be at the desk at 8 AM....her time-blindness might prevent that, and she might be there at 8:11 AM, or 8:30  AM, or possibly even 8:45 AM.

What she wanted....was compassion from the  'boss' (some understanding).

She didn't say what the reaction was.  It sounded like this job-interview didn't go well.

It sounded like she had a disability situation....or at least she wanted you to respect her time-blindness.

Punctually-impaired?  Yeah.

I don't have a problem with a person who is tardy once a month (say 15 to 20 minutes), and their story is reasonable. When it's a 3-time a week event, and the story is a simple 'I-woke-up-late' doesn't work.

As for the employment future of this gal?  Over the next forty years....I don't think she will move up much, or be considered for management positions. 

Three Observations

 1.  Yesterday, I watched the 54-minute CBS-interview of VP Harris (in the entirety). This is the one where 60-Minutes cut-and-pasted their way to limit crappy moments.

I'll just say....either she had three or four shots of something prior to this....or she has some mental disability.

So I'll just say it....when Joe Biden selected her....he had to know that she had 'problems', and this fell into his game plan.

2. ALL of the CIA's  work-force were offered exit deals.  Whether or not they all take it?  Unknown.  

3.  Somewhere in all this money-trail stuff going on....Elon's crew discovered that around $8-million was spent on determine the effect of flavored cigarettes on bisexuals and lesbians.  

Yeah, it must be important....but I've yet to figure why.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Finance Chatter

 Good  financial report by Ric Bender.....talking about reality (finally) in the job market (crap, and probably was crap for a year or two).  Worth watching (9-min).  One obvious thing....if you were a gov't employee...hoping to leave and find new non-gov't work...2025 is not your year.

Bank Stability Discussion

 First, I'd recommend the three video-reports to view:

Second, one of the better podcast folks who daily does a piece, and discusses banking Dan over at:

Third, the commercial property issue (malls, stores, restaurants)...where no one seems willing to take them on (or buy from the banks)....STILL exists.  Banks hold the keys to the properties since owners gave up on leasing them out or selling (even if the pricing was half of the normal value).

Fourth, I noticed in the last day or two....Canadian banks are randomingly coming up and just telling folks....your account is to be closed.   No mention of reasoning.  Maybe there's too much debt?  Unknown.

Fifth, first bank failure of 2025....little discussed....but it was Pulaski Savings  Bank of Illinois.  FDIC says they had to pay out around $28-million to cover individual accounts.  Buyer for the bank?  No problem.....after FDIC covered the accounts.

Sixth, what barely got mentioned in the news....FDIC is taking around 17 executives of the Silicon Valley Bank (remember the first BIG failure) court.  They say the folks were fairly incompetent, and want to seizure funds that the folks have in their accounts.  Wishing them luck, but I suspect all will claim they were being deceived by 'someone'.  

Seventh, about a month ago....Franklin Street CEO Andrew Wright....did a talk and basically said....the big banks 'have no more runway to extend and delay the massive amount of real estate loan maturities'.  He didn't say a month or quarter....but that bank real estate crisis has to come and be dealt with.

Eight, I noticed two weeks ago....ALL-TIME high level of people paying just-minimum level on credit-card debt.  People are carrying around an enormous burden (car loans, credit card, insurance, home loan, student-loans, etc).   

Ninth, I'll point this out....the 4th largest bank in the US in 2008...was Lehmen Brothers.  At some point, the Bush folks made a decision that some banks could be saved....and Lehmens was too far gone to save.

I see this attitude likely to repeat....with at least one or two big banks (with connections in a large way to commercial real estate on their books)....being sliced up and sold to lesser banks.  The commercial property situation?  Wouldn't shock me if the US gov't takes possession and offers some public sale.

You might see mall with a 2020 value of $30-million....going to half-a-million.'d be stupid to buy something with huge property tax issues, and limited ways to lease out the property or maintain it.

In the end, my general advice to 'survive' this mess?  Two things, remember the FDIC insurance is limited to $250,000 per bank. If you are exceeding that amount....go to some credit union, and move the excess to some savings or CD account.  

Second thing...for  the most unions seem relatively safe.  

Finally, if your knowledge over the 1929 crash is book I recommend is 'The Great Crash' by Selwyn Parker.....written in 2008.  Prices at $2.99 on Kindle Amazon.  

There's also a excellent book that talks over the Florida  'land-boom'  of the 1920s....that led up to  the banking collapse....entitled: Florida Land-Boom of the 1920s, by Gregg Turner.  It is pricey on Kindle (around $20).  If you weren't aware....a lot of individuals went out and speculated....OVER and OVER.....getting hyped up during the build-up. 

The Thing About Bank-Runs

 I spent a fair amount of time in 2019/2020....reading various books over the 1920s, the Wall Street collapse in Oct 1929, the bank-run, and the depression-era of the 1930s.

What I had zero knowledge  over....was the bank-runs.  It made no sense.

So after reviewing a fair amount of data....I came to three observations.

1.  Banks up to this point (say 1929) had  zero oversight, So if the bank books said $400,000 existed in the vault.....they assumed the books were correct.

Over the years (decades)....various people (from the clerks to the bank Presidents)....took liberties to 'grab'  a twenty, or perhaps even a pay a personal debt, or engage in the land speculation business of the early 1920s.

So you might have a bank with only 80-percent of the book amount existing.  Some banks were exceptionally bad.....some were marginally bad.  

Once the 'wave' started in 1929....banks saw the bank-run business as a problem....they couldn't square things up with both private members and business members.

2.  So we come to the limit business.

Banks figured that if you  told them new rules....folks would feel happy that you denied them their  life savings (say $2,000)....if you agreed they could take out $40 a month.  

The problem is....if you were a bicycle manufacturing plant, or a needed to meet your payroll once a month....say in the range of $5,000.

It only took one or two months....for the banks to realize that no one was bringing fresh new cash flow into the bank.  It was strictly out-going.

3.  The Fed coming to save the banks?  No.   There are various reasons given to why the Fed was marginally helpful....but in the end, they were assuming that the banks weren't in that bad of shape.  

The bank-run laying out the path to the entire 1930s?  Once you established the fact that the banks could not be prioritized things to acquire a safe for your company/business, and cash-flow to banks dwindled.  

Why I say all of this? some point this will see a bank-run in Russia.  Trust will dissolve over a couple of weeks, and people will put themselves into a cash-only situation....refusing to deposit any cash-flow.  You being a Russian company and trying to pay workers?  Things will rapidly dissolve into a mess.

Putin's value to commerce or working-class people?  If a grocery store won't accept anything but will dissolve pretty quick.

The Intellectual Deficient Comment

 Is intellectually deficient....the same thing as retarded?

I sat and listened to a Trump Q-and-A, and  he said the intellectually deficient comment....avoiding 'retard'.

Typically, intellectually deficient means you have a serious learning issue, lack of problem solving ability and marginal ability to conduct judgement.

Based off all my years in school, and my military period....I can readily say that if you are intellectually's not fixable or curable. If you are lucky....people around you will help along the way, and sometimes guide you make better judgement calls, or improve your results on problem solving.

Your identifiable IQ?  Typically LESS than 80.  

My general issues in terms of dealing  with such people?  It's hard to get these types into a focused vision.  They also make for the worst planners....always waiting till the damage is severe....before stepping in to resolve and plan your way out of a mess.

Putting such people into a job where decision-making is important? have to draw the line and just say that we need you....but we don't need you to be a manager or 'boss'.

It's just funny....after four years of President Biden....this topic now comes up.

Humble Views

 1.  I spent about 90 minutes yesterday....trying to watch MSNBC, CNN, Fox, and an assortment of news coverage over Elon and the Democrats shaking in fear.

It feels like some National Lampoon comedy movie.  

At the end of this Elon-adventure....I expect two things to occur. First, a bunch of lobbyists will begin telling Senators and House members....that the campaign-bucket is empty for 2026.....Elon 'swiped' the cash-flow.  Second, a bunch of people will appear on CNN and admit they were duped....some  kind of  attempt to say while they were robbing the gov't.....someone was robbing them.

2.  Google came out yesterday and offered up an 'exit-bonus'....for those who aren't committed.  

In a nice way....they are saying if you just showing up and marginally might want to take the bonus and find real work.

The question is....are you smart enough to  grasp that for the past three years while you worked at Google....there's less than 100 man-hours that you really put into honest-work?

Then the last question is....once you take the bonus, and actually exit....then what?

3. Finally, you remember the TV show.....'Buffy, The Vampire Slayer' (1997-2001, 140-odd episodes)? 

Well....there's'll be coming  back.  

Somewhere out there.....there's probably even plans to bring Gunsmoke and Rockford Files back.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Three Obervations

 1.  I watch a number of podcast folks who cover the Russian economy.  One brought up the state of Russian banks....which have been a lot in the news since late 2024.

It appears that  for at least a year....Russian banks have been 'forced' to loan out money to munition-dealers and military-hardware companies.  These loans carried a 20-percentage rate. you might expect...the companies aren't being readily paid by the Russian gov't for their assets provided.

So....2025 is a dwindling situation.....the bank vaults are getting closer to a point where they would fail, and a 'bank-run' would occur.  How the gov't might act then?  I would assume they'd  print Rubles like hell....with the inflation jumping week-by-week.

A financial disaster?  It'd normally turn into a mess, and the World Bank would walk in and give them 'free-money' to rebuild their stability.  But I kinda doubt that Trump and associates would agree to that.

How long did this banking expert give the Russian banks?  He figured late-summer....the collapse would be obvious, and  printing/inflation would follow by the end of 2025.

What happens in 2026?  I'd say that financially....they will rate below Albania.

2.  This idea of shipping certain US prison 'members' off to El Salvador?  

I'm rather shocked that it's openly discussed now.  But I can't see them shipping more than 300.....just to test the 'waters'.

3.  I looked at CNN numbers this AM.....even worse since Christmas.  Some folks say another round of terminations have to occur.

I think they are trying to cheapen the situation enough....that you end up with a sell-off.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Just Pondering

 This week, I probably watched twenty-different video-reports....where stores, cafes, and restaurants were non-operational....because the illegal employees had gone to 'hide-out'.

I pondered over this.

If the guy/gal was illegal (meaning no paperwork)....that meant they should not have had a social security number...yet by the images, the store/restaurant is telling me they hired in a illegal fashion, and thus weren't  paying state taxes, fed taxes,  or social security.

If true?  Well...the managers need a month or two of jail.

So I'm waiting....has to be more to the story.


 1.  For roughly a decade, there's been a decline in the NBA audience....attributed to a dozen-odd things (high scores is one of them).

So I read this week....the NBA is discussing the idea of  running a 10-minute quarter...rather than 12-minutes.  Their belief....8 less minutes would mean some less scores (I would assume 8 to 15 points less for each team).

2.  There's not a single day that passes....where I don't see the term 'Nazi' uttered.   Oddly, even though they are socialists.....the term is applied to right-wing radical bad socialists (at least that's the pretend-game I'm watching).

3.  I watched Hillbilly Elegy this week (basic story of JD Vance, VP).  I'll just say....'Grandma' is the only reason why the kid succeeded in life.

4.  At some point shortly, I expect  the LGB-community to have a meeting, and escort the T/Q folks out...telling them to start their own 'club'.

5.  H.R. 899 is on the draft-board of the House of Representatives...reads: one sentence bill to TERMINATE the federal department of education.  Will pass the House....Senate, I'm not sure about.