Friday 27 December 2019

Closing of the Newseum

Next Tuesday, the Newseum will shut down in DC.  It was a critically placed building (fine structure) that sat between the White House and the Capital Building.

I went to the structure in 2011 and spent two hours walking around.  For me, it was the biggest waste of $20-$25 that I'd ever made in my life.  On that particular Saturday, there was one busload of kids in the place (mostly bored by the tour), and maybe ten tourists. 

They basically tried to make a museum into something that tourists would want to come and being all about the news.

Financially, from day one (11 years ago), it's been in this profitability 'mess'.  No one cared to come, and it was continually draining resources.  So the structure is being sold off, and this marginal idea will come to an end. 

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