Monday, 12 April 2021

Five Things That President Biden May Have Learned By Now

 1.  'Heels' is worthless as a point-person on his team.

2.  If Texas officials start an investigation and rape/sexual assault allegations are established in the federal 'kid' holding center....federal officials will be charged up.  As each gets charged....they will go into court and say they don't have the manpower to do the job.

3.  The federal government has no program to dump 40k juveniles on some social program.  Even as things unfold....most states are probably telling Joe's team they could manage 2k at the very most.  The odds that by December, we get up around 80k juveniles?  It's possible.

4.  Pelosi is worthless in orchestrating 'solutions'.

5.  If a majority of Americans see political news as propaganda....then the Joe-message or probably doomed for the 2022 election period.  


 1. Rasmussen (the polling people) did a poll on the news.  Oddly enough, only 1 out of 3 people felt that political news on TV was reliable.  The rest?  They seem to be believe that it's propaganda by the Biden administration.  

2.  Has 'Heels' visited any border state yet?  No.

3.  What really happened at the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility?

If you go and breeze through twenty-odd sources....when the 'boys' reached the point of getting the order to 'flip-the-switch', and ease on the centrifuges on....the highly computerized system basically turned itself off.  In simple terms, nothing happened.

Chief reason?  I would speculate that somewhere among the networked computer system....there's a flash-drive connected somewhere in the facility that feeds the entire layout of the network, and it's got some good bug-software to disables the entire system.  

If I were the geek crowd.....I'd tell Mullah 'Joe' that it's best to just dump this site entirely and build an entire site from scratch.  

4.  What'll happen with MLB and Atlanta?

I suspect that the Commissioner will try to make some $10-million 'peace-offering' to the minority business folks affected by the loss of the All-Star Game.  The non-minority folks?  Nothing.  The Latino folks?  That's a question in itself.   

Trailer Park Boys

 Over the past six weeks, I've watched five seasons of 'Trailer Park Boys'.  It is a bit weird, and it wasn't til the 3rd episode that I was hooked on the series.  

Basic premise?'s set in Nova Scotia, a cheapo trailer park.  The three chief characters are Julian, Ricky and 'Bubbles'.  Their basic reason to exist in life?  Booze, marijuana, and scheming to get ahead through illegal means.  

Beneath the three characters....there are around fifteen sub-characters.  There's the drunken trailer-park supervisor, his gay associate, the owner of the park, a 1-star white rapster, Ricky's love interest, two half-wits who serve Ricky and Julian, etc.

At some point in the last week, it suddenly hit me that this is mostly all the landscape and character types of Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat novel (involving Danny, Pilon, Pablo, and Jesus).  

In the Steinbeck novel, Danny's 'gang' is forever trying to get ahead, but miserably failing.  Alcohol is part of the background and you generally felt sorry for the boys. You see the same problem for Julian and Ricky's crew.  

Dogs are a big deal in Steinbeck's novel.....while cats are the big deal for Trailer Park Boys. 

It's just an odd thing to compare these and they seem marginally similar, although one is set in the 1920s.....the other in the past decade. 

As for recommending Trailer Park Boys?  I suspect that 80-percent of people will find it lacking or too-crazy.  But if you were just looking for something 'different'....this probably meets that requirement.