Thursday, 1 June 2023

When I Start To Regret Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 1.  The day AI starts to monitor my calorie intake and cuts me off at 2,000.

2.  The day when AI generates a email to suggest my consumption of alcohol has reached a threshold.

3.  The day when AI uses some satellite imagery to determine my grass in the backyard is a problem, and demands I need to resolve this.

4.  The day when AI activates Alexa in the house to monitor my snoring levels at night.

5.  The day when AI cuts all my streaming video services and tells me that I don't need that much entertainment.

6.  The day when AI starts to discuss Bonanza episodes, asks me about the necessity of Hop-Sing being in the show.

7.  The day when AI starts to assign a rating for each episode of Baywatch, and urge me to go back and watch all the episodes.

8.  The day when AI has ordered on it's own....some kind of bathroom scent detect if I have a bowl  disease or not.

9.  The day when AI senses some frustration on my part, and recommends some type of relaxation course....out in the wilderness of Alaska.  

10.  The day when AI tells me that it's gleaned the 500,000 potential scenarios, and only Biden makes sense in the 2024 election.  

'Nothing Understandable'

 NASA came up yesterday with a UFO hearing.  Chief comment?  'Many sightings reported....unusual activity....nothing understandable'.

This will continue this way until you end up with some department guy admitting they have some crashed craft from fifty years ago.  

When Dealing With Juvenile-Like Adults

 When you have a young person in front of some mental-health type crisis....where the slightest existence of people with differing opinions....triggers them to either collapse into a 'heap' or act-out like a 4-year old 'brat''s probably time to assess your involvement with them as a 'zero'.  

What you are talking dealing with people who can't handle crisis episodes, reality, or regular people. 

You need to treat them as if this were a open-air mental asylum, and they are a patient.  Offer encouragement to recover, but don't play games or involve yourself with their insane chatter.

Shopping Today

 I spent this AM over in Mainz (Germany) at three clothing shops.  So the shock?

As you entered all three....NO 'pride' posters' or 'pride' clothing items.  What you had was bright colored clothing, sandals, and normal summer attire.  

Then I walked to each men's department (note, these are premier top shops).....all clothing?  Summer attire....nothing gay, lez, or trans.

Just for the heck of it, I walked through the kid's department....same story.....regular summer attire.  No demon stuff, no satanic stuff,  Weirdest stuff?  Tom and Jerry shirts, Marvel figures t-shirts, etc.

So, one of the shops feature a kid's toy area.....I walk through it.  Big 'hot' item?  Barbie/Mermaid stuff, or regular Mermaid (plain white) stuff, and games/cards.  

Why no satanic/demonic stuff, or trans 'pride' stuff?  Well....I go to three reasons:

1.  If you did put some fantasy lifestyle thing and came to school wearing 'pride' stuff in the German atmosphere.....these bad-ass German kids would be brutal and say pretty hyped-up negative things.  

2.  German shops suffered greatly during Covid.....they would now not be stupid to order 3,000 satanic/demon items or 'pride-trans' items, and be stuck with half of it not being sold.

3.  A number of German shops went under during Covid and they marginally exist the last thing on their mind is to invent some bogus cause and think that it'd sell well to the general public.  

It is a strange prospective to think about.

Can Biden Win Re-Election With Zero Debates?

 I paused over this idea two months ago. 

If he had zero competition in the primary period.....he could probably get away with this idea.

With RFK gaining in popularity?  I'd say by November....Biden will have to shuffle up or arrange some type of debate before the primary season starts.

Just my belief....this would trigger a massive problem if he craps up the debate and looks 'poor'.

Presently, I would suggest among independents and Democrats who lean toward the center....RFK is attracting a lot of attention.  If you had one single debate, and Biden screwed up?  I think RFK could lock down 25 of the 50 state primaries as a win.  

Maybe his team is happy with zero debates, but reality demands otherwise.