It came up on Disney-Plus and I watched it. Five observations:
1. At roughly 2.5 was simply not packaged into an understandable story. I would argue that they probably needed another sixty minutes to lay out 'the rest of the story'.
2. Angelina Jolie was totally wasted. For the limited amount of time on the screen....she had few lines and I question why to bring her onto the movie.
3. The Ikaris character is the key figure of the movie and I probably would have preferred to see more of him....but in the final minutes of the movie....they killed that guy off.
4. If you were wanting true bad-guy was lacking from the typical Marvel bad-guy sagas.
5. I still recommend it, but it's a fairly deep storyline and you just stand there at the final 30 minutes....shocked at the development of things. It is a fairly 'black' theme by the end.