Friday 4 October 2024

Ten Things I Now Believe

 1.  All this of FEMA confiscating emergency supplies being brought in....are due to fake FEMA-badged individuals (I believe this now) in North Carolina.  There just aren't that many FEMA people there, and if they were....they wouldn't be this stupid.  

2.  Nike and their contract with Caitlan Clark of the WNBA?  She's going to drop them by Christmas, and sign with Adidas or Puma.  

3.  Over the final 30 days of the Harris will end up seeing Barak Obama at least twice a key states.  

4.  If you asked President Biden if he knew that FEMA spent three-quarters of a billion of FEMA funds on migrants and hotels....he'd probably respond 'who-the-f*ck-authorized-that'.

5.  CNN has laid off enough pro-Kamala folks....that the majority left now believe Trump wins...easily.

6.  If you asked 100 high-school seniors where the 'Great Wall of China' is located.....fewer than 20-percent would identify China as the correct answer.

7.  No North Carolina official (Governor on down) will ever detail how many were lost or died in the chaos.  No sheriff will officially detail how many body bags his deputies prepared or delivered.

8.  More than 25,000 Ohio residents will be practicing Voo Doo members by 2030.  I'm not talking about Haitian-Ohioans.....I mean regular Ohioans.

9.  CNN will kinda drop the 'low-IQ' Republican special guests, and admit that audiences seem to be amused (laughing) over the analysis given by the low-IQ Republicans.

10.  US military services will start admitting in least a quarter of their members are in serious debt problems and requiring 'help' of some type. 

Four Observations About This North Carolina-FEMA-Joe Biden-Kamala Harris 'Affair'

First, there's a 'golden-rule' in Presidential election years....the party in the final 100 days before the vote....does everything possible not to screw up.  

As you look at FEMA and President Biden.....they've screwed-up royally.  

In this whole Appalachian region (five states)...for at least an entire generation, this will be remembered.

Second, if any of this is true...that FEMA spent their money on Homeland Security priorities of'd have to remove FEMA from Homeland Security control.  

Third, this Trump 'town-hall' meeting today (Friday) in North Carolina?  I would imagine all of the networks will avoid carrying it or talking about it.  Twitter?  It'll be the most heavily viewed topic of the year.  Utter disaster for Kamala Harris.

Fourth, the science guys are still talking about this storm and how oddly it picked up steam,  and still  went on strong through the heartland.  Unnatural is a comment they've made. 

Just odd...I guess