Sunday 22 September 2024

UFO Story

Over the weekend, I noticed this social media 'story'.  So it goes like this.

Last week....a congressional committee got a unclassified briefing and a behind-the-door briefing....over some space 'BS'.  I can confirm the committee hearing occurred, beyond's pure speculation on the rest of this.

What's said is that the James Webb Space Telescope detected SOMETHING.  The story goes....the mystery object has a path related to Earth...six light-years away,  and it oddly enough has made a couple of course corrections. So if's not a meteor  or comet.

Size?  All they say is 'massive'.....which means something bigger than the moon.

BS story? does sound a like that TV series....Three Body Problem series.

Does this come out open the door for revealing all this UFO/UAP stuff?  Hard to say.

Could the crew coming in be friendly, or like some Darth Vader-crew?

Presently, if you were traveling at accepted max light year would take 19,000 years to reach Earth.  So far, no one can say how fast this 'vehicle' is traveling (maybe it's faster).

On's pinging at a '8'.  Part of me would like to believe the aliens will be here in 12 months....are here mostly to get a 15,000 year supply of Pepsi, and they want to take all the Transwomen back to their planet.  I'm also in the belief that they want to talk to Trump and get a new prospective on  things.

Would You Be A Supporter For $700 A Week?

 I watched a podcast from Philly area.

She knows this local gal (not a US citizen) who has hired out to be a 'traveler' for the Kamala Harris arena-fill-up crew.  Pay?  $700 a week in cash.

Deal?  Well....she agrees on paper to be up and ready to go....each morning, to get to a bus-point, and ride a bus (no one say amount of travel time, but I'd assume up to 4 hours) to reach some arena in the region.....walk in and fill the place for 90 minutes, then return home.

No one says anything about catering or food, but I would assume somewhere in this....there's some snacks handed out on the bus going/returning. 

The question is....would you do this for $700 a week, and I assume for a six-to-nine week period....meaning $4,200 minimum and $5,600 cash (not being taxed of course)?

I paused over this....nine hours of patience.  Maybe they hand out a beer or two (at least on the way back).  But would I do this for 42 continuous days?  No.  Course, there is this cash gimmick.....yeah, considering how crappy things are on the economy....I'd probably do it for the $700 a week in cash. 

Someone last week did cellphone check of a arena or a Harris-rally.  Of the ten-thousand people there....roughly three-quarters were from 400 miles or more away....meaning they probably rode a bus.  All getting paid $700 a week? can't make that proof.

It's just a funny business.....that likely will continue on in 2028 and 2032.  For you retired guys....who have the free time and don't care to waste nine hours to make $100 in cash (with a lunch and beer probably) might be a occupation (at least until the IRS figures this out). 

Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  On the Haitian-Springfield story....I've done some pondering.

The way this is rigged-up.....a bunch of folks (differing on number from 6,000 to 20,000 depending on who tells the story...'arrived' in a community of 60,000, then suddenly find housing.

I question can't find housing in any community to say a community of 'X' being able to accept 5-percent  of incoming folks (you can write a mathematical  formula for this).  If you had a town of 3,'s likely that you can't exceed 1-percent....meaning 300 new people.  To say more than 1-percent....there's something 'shady' going on.

So this housing?  If you say these were all Haitians without any real technical background....making minimum wage....the only way that you could fix housing is to offer up new house-trailer situation (figure $50,000 in costs to buy, deliver and set-up).....for a guy/gal/family who makes $1,800 after taxes/social security.  

This brings to the huge problem....there has to be fed home-vouchers influencing all of this to happen....where the Haitian family is getting $500 to $800 a month to cover cost of the home....maybe even $1,200 a month to cover the car business.

Did the mayor/city council all know of the vouchers ahead of time, and rigged housing/cars?  

If Trump arrives in January and halts the vouchers?  Well....that's the thing I reached last night in pondering this.  If the system collapses....with no vouchers, they'd all be hitting the street....probably leaving Springfield in a matter of 90 days.

2.  Diddy-climax?  I suspect when we get to early spring of 2025....more than 300 Hollywood types will be under some investigation.....connecting back to Diddy. Another curious thing....being in jail, I suspect this is the first time in 30 years....that Diddy has gone drug-free, and it's 'hellish'.

3.  To be honest, I'm at the point that I'd prefer appliances NOT to have SMART features.  I just want a stove that has some on/off button and a dial on temperature.  Same for a TV, radio, and dishwasher.  I counted on my's 32 settings on the stupid thing.  I have a living room fan, which offers a remote control situation (for my tab), and at least 40 different settings.

4.  I watched yesterday around 4 video clips of VP Harris from Friday....different locations/talks during the day.  In all four....she seemed either drunk or medicated.  You just can't get up at 6 AM....sipping a glass of wine by 9 AM, and accomplishing this six times throughout a keep a buzz on.  Has to be cannabis or medication.

5.  Based on events I see unfolding over the past five years....I'm reaching a point where I don't see Charles Manson as that crazy.