First, I noticed today that a TV production group is now putting together a TV-Rambo series.
I sat there for a while....trying to contemplate how this would work, how the original script would have to change, and how Rambo would be on the run....24 hours a days a week....for a whole production year.
Course, you'd have to accomplish all of this with minimum violence, weapons fired, without actually killing too many people (probably a limit of two folks for each one-hour episode).
The more I thought about it....the more I laughed.
They'd probably try to do this with a female 'bad-guy-sheriff' and probably located in some mountainous area of the Carolinas. If you stupid this rates....I'd give it a '9' out of '10'.
Second, there's the basic idea of the next James Bond / 007 movie put out there.
So female 007 (you were introduced to her in this last movie) will have been kidnapped, and 'Q' has decided to call the other 'OO's' (001, 002, etc).
You (the viewer) will be introduced to at least three OO's (my estimate). Who will play 001, 002, and 003? Unknown.
If this were me writing the script....I'd drag 006 into this and reveal him to be Prince Charles.....just for laughs.
What'll happen? I'm betting that 001, 002, and 003 all meet an ending (dead) by the conclusion of this movie.....along with the female Bond/007 character. Q reaches some desperation point in the final minute and reveals that he's called '000' (junior trainee), and you get quietly introduced to some wild character that is unlike any Bond ever.
Just my two cents on the idea.