Saturday, 28 January 2023


 1.  After watching the Memphis police department video of Tyre Nichols getting the crap beat out of him (dying later) by the five cops....I would suggest all five of the cops were high on something.  They showed a lot of energy for the beating, which would normally not be there.

2.  After watching the SF video of Paul Pelosi, I would suggest Paul seems pretty cool and collected.  Hammer dude?  For about 8 seconds....he's OK, then the cop shines the flashlight into his face, and he turns into some kind of demon.  There's no buddy-buddy stuff here.....just a nutcase in the living room with a hammer.

3.  Odds of additional classified documents to be found beyond just Trump and Biden?  I'd now give it 99-percent chance that every President since FDR....has classified in their private papers, and a 50-50 shot that most VP's had classified.