1. Someone will wake up in a few days and simply speak to the idea that only stupid Republicans would come to a up-and-up insurrection....with water-bottles, umbrellas, and fail to even burn a candy-bar wrapper.
2. Forty-year high on inflation, and the biggest show of June to resolve this? A 6-January insurrection show.
3. By the time that the feds get to the charges business on the attempted murder of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh....I expect 'Randy' (the dimwit California guy) to be herded up for mental evaluation, and probably go spend the next three years at some facility in Maryland. He'll be released then (never charged) and go to court to get the right to buy guns again.
4. Biden on the Jimmy Kimmel Show? It's best not to watch it, or if you already saw it three or four times....pour four shots of gin to forget about the Biden comments.
5. More added regulations....usually results in less obedience by the general public.
6. Bernie Sanders said: "You really can’t win an election with a bumper sticker that says: Well, we can't do much, but the other side is worse."
He is correct.....the Democratic brand/message for 2022 mid-terms is crappy, and no one motivated much for 2024.
7. I watched about 15 minutes of the 6 January committee episode and then came to realize....a lot of the chatter came via teleprompter 'cues'. It was feeling like 'Dan' from Channel 9 news. I started shaking my head....pure show, nothing much else.
8. If all of the 6 January crowd had worn BLM shirts....no one would have said or done much. Funny how your attire shifts the conversation.