I paused over a story this AM.....'Pentagon to install rooftop solar panels, as part of Biden administration strategy'.
So first, I'm just curious how many battery units we are talking about and where exactly will they be 'hidden'? Just a humble guess....it has to be in the neighborhood of four tractor trailer loads of batteries...somewhere stored in the structure.
Amount of sunshine? Oh I agree...in Virginia, for spring, summer and fall....it's probably 80-percent productive days. Winter? I doubt if it passes more than 60-percent. I was there for 3.5 years and will admit winters are harsh.
Just covering the AC units? It's a massive amount of power required for the building presently.....so I doubt that the installation price breaks even....even by the 10th year.
A potential failed project? Well....you can't admit that until you get about ten years into the story.