Lets say after Biden becomes President.....into the summer and probably into the spring of 2022...we are going to reach some level over the next twelve months where the 'vote' will be discussed on a daily basis.....to which CNN, Fox, and the rest will not be able to convince people of anything.
The Senate? With the trend, the Democrats will likely control the situation and no real doubt can be removed. The court system? It'll be judged as compromised.
So I'll lay out the three scenarios I possibly occurring:
1. I suspect at minimum of five states announcing that if nothing occurs to resolve this lack of trust....the six states in question (Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Minnesota) are judged to be corrupted.
There's nothing in the Constitution on handling this type of mess, and it gets rather messy to suggest federal law enforcement be dragged into individual states to detain people.
2. The DNI report. Around the third week of January, this report over foreign influence will be released. Right now, it appears that more than one country was involved, and this might include not only cash influence, but hacking and other services.
This puts President Biden in a badly compromised position. It also puts Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell in a weakened situation. Do you punish the countries involved? Do you go and suggest removing Biden?
Then the report might go and suggest that several Senators and House members were also 'helped'.....do you fire them or reschedule the election?
Just pretending that the influence wasn't serious? This would brew around until the 2022 mid-term and set into motion a serious amount of replacement action.
3. I suspect the Trump agenda for 2021 and 2022....is to tear apart the Republican elements that are 'screwed-up'. At least a dozen Senators will find tough competition and be unable to win the 2022 election.
The term 'Chinese-sponsored'? It'll be uttered daily and attached to various GOP Senators.
So we come to the key question....is it so messed up that removing Biden/Harris is the only way out (the only tool is impeachment), and getting the House-Speaker set up to be a temporary President until 2024?
There's at least five Democratic Senators up for re-election in 2022 who I'd consider as 'threatened' in this type of impeachment discussion....that they'd have to support the idea (Hassan of NH and Kelly of AZ). Add to this....Murkowski of Alaska will be put into a harsh position.
So this cleans up the mess? No....not exactly. Mid-terms are coming, and the question arises....how do you assure people that it's a up-and-fair election? Clean-up in twelve months possible? NO.
There's a big mess coming and requiring four years of utter chaos. A number of Republicans and Democrats will not be around in four....having compromised themselves in various ways.
The news media compromised as well? It won't surprise me if a network or two is caught up in this foreign 'help' deal, and have to take serious actions to repair the damage done.