Sunday, 27 November 2022

Ancient Apocalypse: My Humble Feeling Over The Netflix Show

 Graham Hancock produced the show....roughly six episodes.

He examines various cultures that lived, and then disappeared....leaving various mystery structures.

So to lay out his opinion.....he believes as the Younger Dryes period (12,900 years ago) started up....that whole bunch of cultures went 'belly-up' (likely a meteor hit).  These cultures....if you measured up their use of technology.....were probably at the 1890s level of existence.  

In his scenario....only a limited number of this group survived, and they went out into the hunter-gatherer world....providing x-amount of their knowledge. 

Archelogy today?  They can't really stamp his version correct, and they have a fair number of empty holes....where their 'story' can't fit correctly.

My advice, if you can find the it.  I'm not saying he has a perfect fix for the story he tells, but there's a lot of stuff which really can't be explained.  


 1.  CNN came out and said that these rumors of them moving to the 'center' on political chatter were all BS.

I'm certainly glad of'll help to financially get them deeper into a pit where some Mexican cartel organization can buy them for nickels and dimes.

2.  So far, with these pipe-bombs on the 6th of January of 2021.....the FBI has done mostly nothing.  This past week, they admitted zero interest.  Why?  No one says much.

3.  NYC appears close to approving a law that says you (as a landlord) can do a background check on a potential find if they had a criminal record.

What it'll trigger?  One of two things: (1) Large segment of population with such records are going to be flushed into leaving NYC, or (2) Large segment of population with criminal records getting alternate IDs (claiming migrant status out of Honduras or such).

4.  The odds of a civil confrontation in China?  

Based on the Covid 'rules', one can see a lot of criticism going on, and lower production of exportable items.

It begs the question if a conflict occurs.....just how long can the civilized world operate....without Chinese products?