Thursday, 22 July 2021


 1. It's just odd....usually after a Presidential Town Hall meeting.....they put the whole thing up on YouTube...ALL of it.  Today....18 hours later....nothing.  You get a minute here...five minutes there.....all cut to some small portion.  

Just odd.  It's CNN's work, and you'd think they'd want people to have a chance to view it.

2.  VP Harris made a comment about a voting rights bill going around in the Senate, and voiced the comment that she'd talked to folks from BOTH parties.  Some reporter stood up and asked what Republican she talked to.  She didn't answer the question.  Maybe she chatted with them....maybe not.

3.  So there's this ballot initiative floating around the DC city council which says that it'd be OK to create African American 'autonomous zones' in DC.  What does this really mean? that 'zone''d have your own black mayor and black city council folks.

So does it sound like some South African tribal 'zone'?  When you sit and think about does sound that way.

What's odd about this idea?  When I lived there (2010 to 2013)....the past five or six mayors had all been black, and 90-percent of the city council members since the 2000 era....were black.  So if you asked me....maybe they should just appoint DC already (entirely) a tribal or autonomous zone?  

Doing this in New Orleans, Memphis, Chicago, Detroit, Birmingham.....just making them tribal or autonomous zones?  

Don't worry....I doubt if this would pass.

4.  I noticed some grocery chain CEO stood up today and said that prices will surge in October 10 to 14 percent.  

5.  Just odd how these state border re-alignment groups keep multiplying now.  About every six months.....the pro-change-the-border groups double in size.  I'm waiting for some neighborhood group in NY City to want a status change and be included into Alabama.  

The Truth About This Pelosi-6 January-'Truth Commission'

 Basically, Grandma baked up a pie...set it on the window to cool off, and someone stole.  So Grandma is calling the Scooby Doo-team in, and they know the drill....just blame the neighbor kid but lengthen this enough that Grandma bakes a dozen pies just for the Scooby team.

This whole effort works like the Warren Commission over JFK's assassination, except the FBI and Justice Department are already on the case, and doing their job.  Now, if you think they are incapable of doing their job....then the Scooby Doo-team makes sense.  But so far, no one has suggested that.

Pelosi refused two of the Republican's suggested members to the they came back yesterday and said they just weren't going to participate.  So it's simply a one-sided Scooby Doo-team.

Will anyone cooperate and testify?  Not unless you work up a deal and drop charges on them.

Will the Capital Police chief and leadership admit they screwed up?  No. 

Will Pelosi be asked questions?  No.

So this Scooby Doo-team script is already basically written out?  Yeah.

When will the report be finalized?  I would imagine around 30 days before the November 2022 mid-term election.  It'll be page one news on CNN for at least a month. 

Will anyone really care?  That's the question.

If there is a serious Republican win in November's mid-term....won't that start another truth-commission/Scooby Doo team?  Well....yeah, and it'll center on Biden (both Joe and Hunter), and maybe even look at Antifa.  

I'd start to prepare myself....every two years, another Scooby Doo team investigation, and probably more truth than you can ever handle.  Here's the chief problem....we probably need to know the truth about the truth.

The Next Downward Step of the NFL?

 A couple of days ago....I saw this news piece....the NFL says that it will play the song widely recognized as the Black national anthem (Lift Every Voice) before every 2021-2022 season game.

Blacks universally agreeing on this 'national anthem'?

Likely to draw criticism and physical acts to counter the 'anthem'?  I would suggest that some in the stadiums will stand and turn 180 degrees....putting their backs to the field area.

The odds that some will render another song instead?  I could see some rendering a rendition of ABBA's 'Money, Money, Money'.....or the Beatles 'It's Been a Hard Day's Night'.  

The possibility that some viewers will start the telecast by muting the sound and watching the entire game in silence?  That might happen.

The odds that the Latinos/Hispanic announce that they want their 'anthem', that the Chinese community will want their 'anthem' played....that the southern whites will want their 'anthem' played.....that the Boston community will want their 'anthem' played....and so on?  I'd give it pretty goods that by the sixth week of this....this issue will arise.

That idea that NFL football will be about football?  Gone.  Maybe it's not such a bad thing for it to just dissolve away.  

On the Topic of Art

 This morning, I went looking for examples of Hunter Biden artwork.  It's been in the news lately, and Hunter is apparently making some 'cash/loot' for the paintings.

My impression?  If you type in Hunter Biden art.....Google will come up and give you at least five paintings.

First, it's weird stuff that you might draw, if you were on LSD or Crack.

Second, it kinda reminds one of Vasily Kandinsky or Pablo Picasso....simple stuff....maybe a dozen colors....the stuff you could start at 9 AM and have done at 5 PM.

Third, in towns like Tucson or a local art show.....this kinda stuff would max out at $400.....not $400k.  

Fourth and final....if this were a 18-year old kid's'd likely advise him to stick with his regular job and just do this as a evening hobby.

So if you were to buy one or two....say for $250k each....would they hold value?  I just don't see how.   


 1.  Did President Biden say yesterday at a townhall meeting....“The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it’s a 9mm pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous. I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.”?

Yes, he said that.  Never mind the fact that US Army, Marines, most police departments and even the Secret Service use the 9mm pistol.

One side note for this townhall meeting....the room was half full.  Several reporters commented on this.  Held in Ohio apparently.

2.  The $1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill in trouble?  Well....Senate Republicans have blocked it.  So it's just lingering there.  Maybe it gets picked up again.....for a lesser amount.

3.  President Biden says he knows twelve folks who've been providing misinformation on Covid.  The problem is....he never names the dozen.  So it's kinda like that 1950s 'drama' with people finding communists working for the government, but never really identifying them.

4.  This Prince Harry business about writing a memoir about how he became a MAN, at age 36?  Generally, folks don't write memoirs until they get up into their fifties or sixties.  Generally, folks don't write memoirs to identify how they matured until they've actually accomplished something.  

For some reason, I just don't see this book selling too far, or demonstrating much of anything.