1. Factually, you can't cite any evidence that 1-percent or 10-percent of society have NO ID.
2. State by state, region by region.....it will differ. If you asked me about Alabama, I'd take a logical guess that around 99.9 percent of people (adults) have an ID. The folks without an ID? Prisoners, people living under bridges, Mennonites and folks in some mental facility.
3. Trying to cash a check or open a bank account without a ID? You can't do it. There's around thirty-odd functions in life....like buying booze, smokes, or getting tags for your car....where it can't be done without an ID.
4. By age thirty, I had around six different IDs on me (thanks to the Air Force lifestyle). I counted today, and have around six valid IDs (counting that stupid German driver's license, and the visa I must always carry with me).
5. I suspect that if you went by racial 'counts'.....more blacks have an ID than whites or Latinos.
6. Every single time that the Democrats go to fight this situation....to prevent the ID requirement....I keep thinking....how does this poor guy survive without an ID to buy beer, or Jack Daniels?
7. I used to have an Air Force entry-card (for a secure facility) which had a middle name of 'Sanchez' on it (no, my middle name is NOT Sanchez)...it was a screw-up with the kid making the card. For three years, I used this to enter the facility....until one day the guard wanted me to show a second ID, and confiscated my 'Sanchez' card.
8. Every single country in the EU....mandates that you need a state-manufactured ID....to vote (no exceptions). In my mind, our position is the same as Paraguay or Bolivia.
9. The odds that around the US.....over 10-million Americans have a minimum of one fake ID on themselves, with a fake name? Probably better than 50-percent of a chance.
10. Couldn't we just issue a one-time check (like stimulus cash) to pay for a state ID for everyone? It seemed so easy for those Covid-stimulus checks......this wouldn't be rocket science..