Democracy dies in the darkness. Fascism thrives in censorship.
Throughout the weekend, I've watched various little games played out via Facebook and Twitter....both cycling through some censorship gimmick.
The chief problem is that someone will stand up and say they are 'judge-and-jury', and this topic is now censored. A day later.....they add another topic. After a month, you seem to view the landscape and there's forty-odd things that you can't discuss or converse on.
Last year, I was reading a piece by George R. R. Martin (The Game of Thrones writer). He wrote a fine piece on censorship...."When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
That quote kinda stuck with me. In this darkness of are admitting a heck of a lot of fear. Fear of the truth.....fear of the unknown....fear of reality....fear of the future...and even fear of consequences.
The one tiny chip on the shoulder of don't want anyone to say something to incite anything (not a discussion, not a conversation, and certainly not a debate).
How we survive as a incite-fearful society? You might as well shut down theaters...close down libraries, and just hope TV can produce plain vanilla shows like Gilligan's Island or Grizzly Adams.
At this point, I would suggest that both Facebook and Twitter are probably done as major platforms by the end of 2021. If they chase away half of their customers....their income level falls, and stock prices dwindle. media finally 'woke-up' enough....that's become one massive safe zone.