Wednesday 2 August 2023

Should The DNC Worry That Biden (Through Corruption or Mental Issues) Will Exit The Race By November 2024? have to wonder about this element, and if the DNC has a team writing the 'what-if' scenario.

Frankly, I'd have forty different worries, and it'd bother me if we got to the primary season (starting January of 2024), and we had a 'potential-loser' in the seat.

Would they want Harris to move up a 'spot'?  NO....I just can't see  that scenario being something you'd prefer.

So I'm of the mind....before we get to December....some huge swap-out will occur, and a couple of newspapers will have the whole story laid out.....leading Joe out of the campaign and identifying the replacement 'guy' (Newsom, more than likely). 

Working With Stupid People

 In my years of the Air Force (1977 to 1999)....I worked with one NCO who usually uttered the term 'fuckery' at least once a week.  This was a term meant to designate a stupid order by the commander we had at the time....who was a full-blown idiot, and college-graduate (actually have some kind of master's degree).

Fuckery usually meant that a process or order had been given....which had little thought put into the effort required, and the degree of success (usually lack of success) to be gained at the end.

Generally, we always did the process/order, but in most results....this never came to be anything you wanted to brag about or write up for a medal.  

I kinda noted the word someone uttered it in describing the financial aspects of the Biden White House, and the way that the credit rating 'fell' yesterday.

The Real Question About Aliens: What Do They Think Of Us?

 Among the forty-odd questions I have about the alien business....if you sat down with Yorg and Piot....alien guys about 30,000 years more advanced than us....what's their opinion of humans?

I'm pretty sure they'd both say 'you guys are crazy'.  All this identifying stuff....the cult religions....crazy-wild movies like 'Cocaine Bear'....people consumed as pro-Trump  or anti-Trump....these obsessives Border-Collie dogs...and hurt-feeling people who don't seem to have lives.

In fact, I think the draw to stick around and view the purely for entertainment purposes.  

If you were 30,000 years more probably has gotten pretty boring and predictable.  You might see The View as a pure comedy act.

And if all this were to would you take the news that our fake nature is pure entertainment for the aliens?