If you haven't figured it out...just about every news group, social media team, and fake-news agenda will be pushing Russian collusion in 2020.
So why let the gimmick ruin the election?
My suggestion to go and hire up a Russian ZIL 1986 115-model limousine. Then find a couple of comedians for three weeks to tour America.
'Comrad Zippy' will be KGB-like secret agent, who mostly talks about the secret agenda, but it's never clear what the agenda might be.
'Secret Agent Anne' will be a slutty KGB-type gal who mostly just looks at the camera, and does poses.
'Comrad General Vilsely' will be some general with 88 different medals on his chest, and autographed photos of himself being handed out. He will usually be talking about the fake news of CNN.
'Comrad Anton' will be some Russian farmer, who is continually amazed how wonderful America is, and always seen wearing Make America Great Again hats.
Our dynamic four would be touring America and continually getting into trouble....mostly with honest intentions. At the end, a public call from Putin would occur, with the team recalled, and all collusion ended.