Wednesday, 13 December 2023

The Penis-Lady Question

 I spent most of the day pondering over this story.  Comes out a Seattle high school....history test of some type (I can't figure  out how history relates though).  

Question came up on the quiz....kid was given a statement and was told it was a true/false situation.  This seems be a dumbass test where you ought to get 100-percent on the test.  

1st question:  Only women can get pregnant. True or false.

2nd question: Only men can have penises. True or false.  

Kid responds 'true' on both....marked wrong by the teacher.

Test is not the type that you can remove from the room (collected, from what the journalists say).  Kid took a screen shot....parents reviewed later, and all 'hell' broke loose.

Teacher male or female?  Left for you to wonder.

Mostly an indoctrination episode?  What's it have to do with history or civics?

You are left to wonder....out of the 25-odd kids in the many answered 'true'.

You have a case where some dimwit (male or female) has wrapped up high school, and then wrapped up four years of college....prepared to hand-out BS like this.  Normal kid would view the classroom lesson and indoctrination....reaching a point by age 14....that he's smarter than the teacher (he even knows this).

School left to clean the mess up?  Yeah.   I would assume there's some meeting with the principal, a district lawyer for the school board, and the teacher.  Beyond will not hear anything else for a while.

My view?  I would say it's a safe bet that by the ninth should graduate kids out of school, and try to get 75-percent of them into some apprentice-or-trade school.  The kids remaining for this type of education involving penis-ladies or need a dumbass, trucker, or Piggly Wiggly clerk for them.