Saturday, 4 February 2023

Balloon Issues

 1.  Once you do shoot it will the Air Force write up the medal summary for Captain so-and-so?  

2.  Will the balloon create the necessity to create a balloon-command....out of Nebraska, with a balloon-warning center?

3.  As reporters yell 'balloon---balloon' at President Biden....does he think they are yelling 'bubbling---bubbling'?

4.  If some state governor takes action to cease the balloon....does he actually have that power or authority?

5.  Some Hollywood producer is likely working on a script now....for some invasion movie, or comedy....involving a balloon threat.  

What Triggers Irrational Behavior In People?

 Usually, there are four things:

1.  Drugs/booze.

2.  Stress. 

3.  A new and unique situation has unfolded, which does not meet the 'norm' that you accept or react to in some scripted way.  

4. People around you seem to bring in some new insight or created 'world', and you don't really show your skeptical side to 'protect' rational thoughts.

My Thoughts On The Chinese Ballon

 1.  Mr Kim of North Korea has to be kicking himself.  All this effort to make a missile, and now he sees how easy it is to construct a stupid balloon.  You could easily mount a mini-nuke on one of these....have a motor propeller to guide it, and have a ICNBB (Inter-Continental-Non-Ballistic-Balloon).  

There's probably a hundred guys in the Pentagon that realize the new threat emerging out of this episode.

2.  If you were a group of refugees in some country (way beyond Mexico or the Americas)....then you see a new avenue in reaching America.  Get a balloon, a pod for a dozen people, supplies for seven days), and just fly via a balloon into the US.

3.  I did feel sorry for the Air Force general having to explain to the reporters why they couldn't shoot the balloon down.  He's just following WH orders.

4.  I suspect this will be a weekly thing now....with a dozen-odd balloons being noticed and Biden unable to really talk about this.

5.  On my brilliant-ideas scale (1-to-10)'s a rock-solid ten.  It's not a cheap guess, probably up in the $20,000 level and with the hardware/communications situation, and the propeller?  They probably spent around $200k for this.