Over the past month, I've reflected a good bit over the Supreme Court and think it's probably time to make some changes. My four:
1. Once 'elected' to the position on the court, it's for a 10-year term, and then you retire, period. Lifetime appointments come to end.
2. Maximum age upon appointment? Sixty. To be precise....60 years and 364 days of age upon nomination.
3. A total of ten members on the court, with one person always held as a reserve judge.
4. Upon death or retirement, an absolute understanding that the seat will be filled within 60 days. The 'reserve' member would ensure a nine-member court is always in the game-plan. The President will nominate someone within seven days of the death/retirement. The Senate must meet within 14 days to start the process (with some Xmas/Thanksgiving exemption).