Sunday, 8 November 2020

My Masterplan

 If you had come to me in 2017 and said....we (the Democratic Party) want to run Joe Biden and want a virtually guaranteed win, then I would have sat down and devised a simple plan.

It would revolve around four essential elements:

1.  I would pick the seven least won states that Trump had in 2016, and center my entire effort upon them.

2.  I would pick out the urban areas of those seven states (Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, Madison, etc).  I would also look at weakened states for the vote in 2020 (Minn and Nevada).  In these urban areas, I'd assign teams, via various foundations.  One 'captain' given four guys, and given the task to register 3k voters.  I'd appoint a minimum of two dozen of these Captains.  In each major urban area, I'd have a clerk or two with the city who understands what has to happen, and ensure no one challenges the addition of 60k 'new' voters.

3.  I'd look at the voting software game, and see if I can find the technician to write one extra line of code, and try to add 40k extra votes in each state (spreading them around various districts, to avoid detection).

4.  Finally, I'd want a big enough mess with Corona to open the pit for mail-in votes.  Not just 10,000 or 100,000, but in some cases....I'd be talking about pouring in 250k votes out of thin air....from non-existence.  

Once all of this was achieved, I'd want the news media to bless it all rather quickly and halt any suggestion of Russian 'fixing'.  I'd want such a wide array of problems, that the news media would just continually state its position....nothing corrupt happened here.  

Then at the end....once success was achieved with this mechanism...I'd go to the obvious home-run, I'd want to run three or four Constitutional Amendments over the next four years....bringing an enormous amount of change to the landscape, while doing it with a minority of Americans (maybe fewer than 50-million voters).  

I'd dump the Electoral College....delete the 2nd Amendment (no rights with guns), mandate absolute authority over commerce, and force carbon taxes upon everyone.  All of this....I'd accomplish with a minority of voters.  

The people who should be catching me in the act?  They either aren't that bright, or they just don't care.  

Reagan and His Alzheimer Situation

 Generally, you have to go read through dozens of articles and history summaries to come to some conclusion over this.

The beginning of this period?  His son summed it up and said in this period of 1984....various little things started to occur where 'dad' simply didn't remember names that well, or connect events to dates.  It wasn't Alzheimers at this point, but he was beginning to show memory issues. This was two years after the assassination attempt.  At this point, he was 73 years old.

Somewhere in the 1989 period....riding a horse....he took a fall and had a concussion. It wasn't severe, but if you go back to this episode, you have to wonder about this triggering the next round of events. 

Around five years after he left the Presidency....1994...he officially announced that he had full-up Alzheimers.  

Death?  Summer of 2004....roughly a full decade into the Alzheimers period.  Personally, I don't think any of this 1980s period was more than periodic and minor forgetfulness.  It advanced each doubt.  But it wasn't an Alzheimers period.  

If you go and do the research....older folks who do have concussions (whether on bicycles, or by horse-back)....tend to have a 2.3 times higher chance of Alzheimers later in life.  

1,223 Days

Between 29 October 1929, and 5 March 1933....a lot of things happen in Germany to create a fanatical wave of despair and Adeline-rush.  

Germany goes through this massive fall of enthusiasm in November 1918, and goes through two to three year rebuilding process over 'hope'.  If you were standing there in the summer of 1914, and tried to imagine the landscape of's harsh, dismal, and suggesting of a collapse of society.  Yet things shift around and over this period of 1919 to 29 October's a whole new world to catch up to.

Then this wave of 1,223 days starts up on 29 October 1929.  The stock market crash carries away the savings of various Germans....the safety and stability of society is cut loose once again, and people are looking for grasp and feel secure.

5 March 1933 election day, and the Nazi Party will carry home a major political win.  In the minds of roughly 40-percent of the country....things are about to shift and improve.  A new version of socialism is coming.  The hyped-up feeling of unity exists.  Whatever is dragging upon about to be cut loose (at least in their minds).

This is a long 1,223 days.  Some banks collapse.  Some business operations close their doors.  This ten years of semi-prosperity....are basically forgotten.

This four-year period to reach 5 March 1933?  Few ever go back and talk about the period, or the cultural shift required.  It's history forgotten....for whatever reason. 

Worthly News Suggestions

 For a number of years, I read the Weekly Standard, among a dozen-odd news print selections (Time, Newsweek, Kiplingers, etc).  Around four years ago, I dropped the Weekly Standard....realizing they weren't exactly conservative in nature, and they seemed to be awful pro-Bush.  Recently, I dropped Fox News....realizing they were going down the same path.  

So my suggestions on news?


- Red State

- Western Journal

- Judicial Watch

- Daily Wire (Sundays, they do episodes with Victor Davis Hanson which are worth watching).

- Epoch Times, very neutral and insightful...but subscription cost at $77 a  year (weekly digital version). Via YouTube, you can view their interviews, which I regard as some of the best.

- The Daily Signal

- The First TV (features Bill O'Reilly)

- News Busters (More of coverage chatter across the board)

- Powerline Blog (note, more of a blog than an actual news site, but frequently updated and brings a lot of topics to the table)

- CATO Institute (note, fairly in-depth writings and probably not for everyone)

- PJ Media

- The Federalist

- The Bongino Report (note, probably a far better site than Drudge ever was)

- Heritage Foundation (note, they don't do a lot of articles, but the ones that are published by them....are the type to make you think a good bit)

How a President-Elect Biden Would Cure The Corona 'Mess' in One Month

 It's fairly simple.

Right now, upon death in a hospital (whether by a car-accident, suicide or heart-attack)....the hospital will administer a Covid-19 test.  Sometimes, they might ask the family....sometimes, they might just do it on their own.  

The test in most cases will come back....positive, so the the guy/gal becomes an identifiable number of 'death by Covid-19'. 

Extra money is dished out to the hospital via a government program (in the $30k to $40k range)....mostly to make up for elective surgical procedures being cancelled out.

Upon arrival in DC....a President Biden would just order the cash flow/test deal to halt.  

Within 30 days, this miracle would be observed by a marginal press....the death rate has suddenly dropped....maybe by 50-percent (maybe more).  Infections might still continue on, but the death-rate will be what is openly discussed in the news.  

The new administration would then get a pat on the back for resolving the terrible numbers of the previous administration.  

And don't worry....that extra cash deal for the hospitals?  It'll just drift over into some other deal, and still continue in some way.