If you had come to me in 2017 and said....we (the Democratic Party) want to run Joe Biden and want a virtually guaranteed win, then I would have sat down and devised a simple plan.
It would revolve around four essential elements:
1. I would pick the seven least won states that Trump had in 2016, and center my entire effort upon them.
2. I would pick out the urban areas of those seven states (Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, Madison, etc). I would also look at weakened states for the vote in 2020 (Minn and Nevada). In these urban areas, I'd assign teams, via various foundations. One 'captain' given four guys, and given the task to register 3k voters. I'd appoint a minimum of two dozen of these Captains. In each major urban area, I'd have a clerk or two with the city who understands what has to happen, and ensure no one challenges the addition of 60k 'new' voters.
3. I'd look at the voting software game, and see if I can find the technician to write one extra line of code, and try to add 40k extra votes in each state (spreading them around various districts, to avoid detection).
4. Finally, I'd want a big enough mess with Corona to exist....to open the pit for mail-in votes. Not just 10,000 or 100,000, but in some cases....I'd be talking about pouring in 250k votes out of thin air....from non-existence.
Once all of this was achieved, I'd want the news media to bless it all rather quickly and halt any suggestion of Russian 'fixing'. I'd want such a wide array of problems, that the news media would just continually state its position....nothing corrupt happened here.
Then at the end....once success was achieved with this mechanism...I'd go to the obvious home-run, I'd want to run three or four Constitutional Amendments over the next four years....bringing an enormous amount of change to the landscape, while doing it with a minority of Americans (maybe fewer than 50-million voters).
I'd dump the Electoral College....delete the 2nd Amendment (no rights with guns), mandate absolute authority over commerce, and force carbon taxes upon everyone. All of this....I'd accomplish with a minority of voters.
The people who should be catching me in the act? They either aren't that bright, or they just don't care.