"But it is — the kinds of things — or, you know, the stuff that’s coming out of Florida, the stuff that’s coming out of — you know, “If Robert E. Lee had been in Afghanistan, we would have won.” Anyway, I’m telling you too much."
-- President Biden, yesterday
I paused over this commentary that he made. Whole thing was a weird deal of ramblings which didn't really fit into some clear statement.
My pondering? Well....the comment over Robert E. Lee.
I've spent a fair amount of time in my life reading over Lee, his general strategy on warfare, and his successes.
Lee in an Afghanistan matter?
Lee would have analyzed things over a week and said that a ‘war’ cannot be waged against a ghost-pretender-force, unless you went to burning down every single village where you felt trouble was brewing.
I might also suggest that Lee’s perception of Afghans was their heart and mind weren’t geared for this type of republic or 'democracy'.
Then he would have ended the short blunt assessment.....that a forever-war....cannot be a end-result/goal. If he could have not 'won' the war within two to three years, then it's not worth fighting.
Somewhere between 1865 and 2020....we lost this perception of things.
Lee wouldn't sign up to such a war, and Biden's understanding of Lee's strategy probably amounts to a 3x5 inch card....at best.