So in the UK, they were holding a blood donation episode. Guy (68) shows up....has donated a number of times in his life. Blood donation folks have paperwork to wrap up. So they come to this item since the last time he donated: "Are you pregnant, or have you been in the last six months?". It was a yes or no question.
Guy looked at the person doing this, and just verbally responded that he was a didn't matter, they still wanted the yes or no checked.
He responded it's not a yes or no....he can't be pregnant.
In the end, they turned down the guy. He didn't donate blood.
I pondered over the story.
They just wanted a line on a form....fixed to yes/no. To him, it was obvious....if a guy, you can't be pregnant.
After a while, I thought...well, why not just say 'yes'.....I've been pregnant as a guy. The paperwork fellow would have then read the notation, and logically....he would have asked another question.
I would have stopped him and simply said that I conceived a child without any sperm involved, and delivered the child on the 25th of December.
You know where this is going.
Would they have still accepted the blood? Far as I know....nutcases are not prevented from donating (at least not yet).
So, when you see this question in the future....either at the dentist office or with Nurse Wanda at your clinic.....just be did conceive without any male help, and you delivered last December. See how far the game goes.