Monday 5 August 2024

Do I Think Much Of Crime In My Little Village Of Germany?

 I live about 5 km away from the Rhine a quiet village of 4,000 resident on the outer-ring of the metro-city (285,000 residents).

So in the past ten years of living here:

1.  The ATM machine (two banks in the village) was blown up like at 3 AM.  Guys got away, but I doubt if they got more than 30,000 Euro in the effort.  The building?  Heavily damaged but repaired.  I'm guessing insurance paid near 200k Euro for the ATM machine and damages.  

2.  The Post Office robbed at 4:55 PM one day....right before they closed.  Armed guy.....he probably walked out with 5k Euro in cash.

3.  The village averaged one stolen car a decade....then around seven years ago....we had like eight cars stolen in a six-month period.  The renter's girl-friend in the house?  Her 8-year old Audi station was one of those stolen.  Since that period....we've gone back to the one car per decade.

4.  We had some village gal (in her 40s) up early on a week-day (2 years ago).  She intended to catch the 5:30 AM bus to work in the city.  Walks out the door, and 2 minutes later on the way to the bus-stop.....guy appears (young guy)....grabs the purse and intends to take it.  She fights him off.....struggle apparently going for 30 seconds, and she refuses to let go.  He finally runs off.

There's not a week that passes that I don't browse the Wiesbaden police blotter, and there's probably 20 lines of text over bad-boy situations for the week.

Over-hyped on this business?  Well....I had this mindset of the 1980s of old West Germany in my mind....where you could walk anywhere and feel 98-percent safe.  Today?  I'm a bit more mindful of the landscape and what's going on.  Yeah, I'm browsing and being more vigilant than I used to be.

Things That VP Harris Needs To Do If She Intends To Win

1.  Whatever anxiety-medication she is taking....dump it ASAP.  

2.  Set up a platform with a dozen clear agenda items, and have five lines of text memorized for each.  Don't......under ANY

3.  Just go ahead and admit....the whole decade after 'whored-around'.  Admit you might have done 500 guys and it was just a wild era in the 1980s.

4.  Dump Bidenonomics.  Invent Kam-nomics.  Explain the whole concept in three minutes flat.  Doesn't matter if it's a total need to have something to replace Joe's program.

5.  If you marginally can carry a debate....don't debate, under any circumstances. 

This Odd Thing About Diversity, Equity And Inclusion

 In a lot of companies and educational organizations's hyped-up about DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion).

Yet, when you say that so-and-so was hired under the 'umbrella' of diversity, equity and inclusion....folks seem to get disturbed and upset.

I paused over this dilemma.  It's just odd.

You go out and hire four new employees for the company, with stringent rules in place...forcing you to use DEI-thinking, and a month after you hire the quietly say in some talk with management that they were DEI-hirees. 

People get disturbed.  Logic? seems like you are saying that DEI-hirees are lesser people, and you wouldn't have hired them under normal non-DEI conditions.

This naturally triggers people into being defensive....that if you utter this guy or gal was a DEI-hiree....they just aren't as capable as others.

But the more you pause over this and think about it....that is true design of brought a lesser candidate into the company.  Maybe they will eventually improve....maybe you wake up in six years to realize that the person was a zero-fit for the organization and you really screwed up. 

Would you use DEI to select a New York Yankees team?  Well....NO.  There's money and the fan-base...on the line.

Would you use DEI to select astronauts?  I kinda doubt it.

Would you use DEI to choose the head idiot of the Star Wars studio? Maybe, but I might end up some crappy story where Luke Skywalker's son is a transwoman, and some Wookie has taken up a relationship with the 'gal'.  In this storyline with DEI actually appreciate the clone of Darth Vader killing off a bunch of characters. 

Would you use DEI to select a President?  Well....maybe it'd work, but mostly because you have forty people around them who make up for all the weak points, and you (the President) just promote yourself as the acting-President....when it's six to ten folks who really carry out the function of the Presidency. 

Just something to think about.