Wednesday, 18 December 2024

So How Did German Privatization Of The Postal System Work?

 Since Trump is discussing this idea....I'll just share the German 'solution'.

All of the German individual post office operations were set to close down (around 30 years ago).  In return...various businesses were offered a deal to buy an  operation.

So you had lotto shops, smoke-shops, grocery operations, and any business of a village/ be the post office.  You would walk in and mail a package, or pick boxes.

What was left?  Delivery.   So in each district (county) receiving station was established, and dozens (if not hundreds) of delivery folks came in and picked up what had been sorted.....then drove off to various parts of the district to deliver to your home.

Saturday delivery still part of the system?  Yes.

Your own personal delivery guy?  No.  Like in my village....there are two folks, and they swap routes each week. 

Most deliveries by the postal terms of boxes?  No....I'd say Amazon and Fedex handle more than 50-percent.  

The village postal point for me?  It's open from 9AM  to 1 PM, and from 3PM to 6 PM.  It's open for 3 hours on Saturday.

It works....and it's likely that the US system could go the same route in some way.

Are You Suffering From MDS?

 MDS?  'Mystery Drone Syndrome'.

Basically, you've assessed the  drone/UAP/UFO/lost radioactive material story so much....that it clouded your judgement.

I noticed yesterday....some guy with a premium-camera trying to 'focus' in on a VW-sized drone,  and the camera simply could not focus.  Meaning?  It was a optical-illusion, or hologram.  It was not real.

To be honest, for at least a week....I've noticed this trend, and kept thinking...why can't you focus?

So all these military folks....police....being faked-out? Yeah.  

Reason?  To run something like would need the President to sign it begs the question....what was to be gained?

A Little Stadium Story

 RFK Stadium was built/finished in 1961.  You probably haven't heard of it a basic intro.

It was a multi-purpose stadium....being used for baseball and football. Seating?  Near 45,000.

It is on the upper NE end of DC.  

So, the big factor was built with federal money....not a DC project.

Once the Senators left DC.....the use-dynamic decreased.

Once the Redskins found a better stadium....the only sport left for use was soccer, and the stadium was a no-profit situation.

Most folks would's in marginal shape, and ought to be torn down.

So it comes up in the news this week.  In this new fed-spending bill....the stadium would be leaving federal-ownership and becoming a DC-asset (meaning the city council is the owner).

Their intent?  To interest the Redskins/Commanders into coming back to town.  The city council seems to think that they hold something of value.

To fix the stadium? The design, lack of VIP booths, and parking situation....make it a money-magnet (meaning it can't sustain a profit).  I'd go and suggest that the Redskins/Commanders wouldn't touch this with a ten-foot pole....unless you agreed to tear it down and rebuild (using DC money of course).  So you do the math....has to be at least three-quarters of a billion to tear down the stadium and rebuild.

Would the Redskins/Commanders even come DC? Why? I admit....they are looking to relocate (currently in Maryland).  But the chief interest is in Arlington. 

So....Congress 'gifting' DC some money to run/resolve the stadium?  That's the general story.

Final assessment?  By the end of 2025, the Redskins/Commanders say 'NO', and RFK Stadium is torn down in 2026. The city will retain ownership of the land and try to market it.