Saturday, 18 June 2022

Seven Things I Noticed

 1.  The CDC came out with some guidance on safe sex....if you wanted to avoid monkeypox: (1) having masturbate liaison with your partner....try to be at least 6ft away from the buddy, (2) try to avoid kissing, (3) recommend virtual sex, (4) trying having sex with your clothing on or where sores might be present.

After you read the list three or four just seems like they try hard to avoid saying it's gay guys who mostly get it.  Also odd....they don't seem to mention mask-wearing.

2.  All of the sudden, after this chatter that ten Republican Senators were all hyped-up to pass Democratic wording for gun-control.....things seem to have fallen apart yesterday (Friday) in DC.

Just odd.....hyped-up a week ago, and now.....not so hyped-up.  Wonder what happened.

3.  Whole past year....just chatter on a continual basis of recession and inflation.  Then this week.....couple of business analysts hyped-up....RECESSION coming.  Makes one wonder if they were completely asleep in 2021, or if that 2021 was just a introduction phase.

4.  This 1000-percent tax idea that is openly discussed by the House on AR-15s?  I would imagine in a matter of an hour or two....the companies would quit making the AR-15, and start making the AR-30 (different style/look, maybe a shorter barrel).

5.  This week, I paused over this political chatter about creating Red Flag laws.....thinking.....well....between YouTube and TikTok....there's a whole bunch of idiot adults' doing things that ought that rank as mentally disordered behavior.  Shouldn't they go to the front of the line once Red Flag occurs?  

This is why I don't think any Red Flag law will remain on the books long.

6.  I noticed this week....someone asked the question in social media....are we at a point where the FBI is a threat to democracy?

The problem is....once you reach this level and 50-percent of the public believes does not matter from that point on how the FBI's lost trust and character.

From 2024 to 2028....I see a fair amount of dismantling coming from the FBI, and probably a quarter of the agents either retiring or just leaving.

7.  So I read this sauce and anything in glass bottles are the next shortage problem to occur.

Why the glass bottles?  Requires a fair amount of natural gas in the process, and those prices are escalating at a wild rate.

What this affects?  Booze, beer, wine and a fair amount of food.  


 "In Texas, more training hours are required to be a hairdresser than a cop."

-- Arthur Rizer

It's an interesting article over at 'Hotair' which I would recommend a read (5 minute commentary).

Basically, Rizer brings up the era we live in....where police members are heavily recruited from the military....bring their craft with them, and you end up in a metropolitan area or small town....with some military-assault police who attempt to act like regular cops.  

On training?  For a small town most states, it's a weekend-training do a couple of weekends and 'test' get a certificate which allows you to be a small-town policeman.  

I would agree....for about 90-percent of what the craft involves in a low-intensity town....'deputy-Joe' is adequate enough for the job.  

In a town of 10,000?  You probably need something more than 'deputy-Joe'.  

But there's no real enthusiasm to change the system presently.  So we will simply learn to survive...with crappy or marginal security guys pretending to be regular police. 

Yeah, About That Kid Lecture Business


I have this problem....probably since the 1980s. 

Generally, when being 'told' something, or being 'lectured', or on getting 'advice'....I've got a age mandate in my mind....meaning the person talking needs to be at least 20 years old, and if this is awful important BS....then forty years old is the minimum I accept.

Yeah....with some whiny 15-year old kid on the lecture routine or demanding I do this or just won't work.

About twice a week on German public TV....they hustle up some German kid to give a lecture or a moment of which I immediately hit the mute-button.  

I personally can't understand why the news media folks think that the majority of people will sit for two minutes and accept some lecture like this.  

I'd almost call it a 'Jesus-routine'....thinking if you hint the kid has some element of 'Jesus' significance'll change my perception.  

The angrier that the kid acts....stomping their feet, or shaking their fist....just leads me to a fairly opposite gut-feeling of trust.  

Maybe it'll eventually lead to a new reality....that kids ought to be living a kid's life, and not on some lecture circuit, or reality lectures.