Friday, 19 February 2021

The Odds of HR 127 Passing?

 In the House of Representatives...HR 127 has been submitted.  

It lists six things:

1.  There has to be a mandated and public accessible listing of gun owners, their weapons and 'where' the guns are kept.

2.  Some ammo (50-cal or greater) would be banned entirely.

3.  Mandate gun owners purchase some type of weapon insurance (must be $800 a year).

4.  Create a psychological evaluation for anyone wanting to buy a gun.

5.  Mandate some type of government training course prior to purchase. 

6.  If you fail on any of these mandates, a penalty of ten years in prison and $50k minimum fine.

Odds of passing?  I suspect that more than one-third of Democratic House members and at least ten Democratic Senators would be unable to support it's constructed. 

So you start off with the obvious big could actually do more jail-time than a guy selling LSD to school kids.  

The governmental training angle?  Who?  You'd have to create some county-by-county training establish....probably over 10k employees, and take into consideration that maybe 1-percent of the applicants marginally speak English.  The cost of this training?  Just for one single day (eight hours), I would assume near $300.  

The mental review?  Who is doing this?  How are they qualified?  If they qualified some 18-year-old guy and three years later....he's hearing voices (paranoid schizophrenia).....are you going to hold the mental review guy responsible if the nutcase shoots three people?  

How many idiots are buying 50-cal guns and 50-cal ammo?  Maybe half of one-percent?  Just adding up the general cost of 50-cal could probably a pretty good evening out (with fine dining and wine) for one single box of 50-cal ammo.

The insurance angle?  Why does the insurance cost $800?  Sorry, but you need to establish what the end-result of the insurance should be first....before you come to any pricing 'game'.  If you invite the insurance guys into this discussion....they will tell you that pistols are more often used in regular shootings, and that shotgun insurance or rifle insurance should be more often around $10 a year.  Do these idiots writing laws even grasp how insurance works?

I should add....if you consider all weapons, then knives ought to be dragged into the insurance game, and reflect some $90 insurance cost per year....if we are playing your stupid game.

Then you come to the serious joke here....if you lived in some highly urbanized area like might need to pay $800 a year, but if you lived in rural probably only need to pay $7 a year....if you are truly paying real insurance games.

HR 127 will linger around for most of the year....maybe get a brief discussion by November, and then expire by 31 December without ever being brought up for a vote.

If you tried to go and openly discuss this around the city of Detroit.....blacks and whites....working class people....I doubt if you can find more than 5-percent of the group who'd support this idea.  Most will laugh over how it's constructed.  Even if you asked folks who has 50-cal weapons in might find fewer than five folks in the entire city with that 'hobby'.  

The $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Deal? Dead?

 Yep, if you follow the news....President Biden had this meeting with a couple of governors, and the take is....the $15 deal isn't going anywhere.  

Remember how hyped up folks were?

What really happened here?  I think around 50-percent of Democratic House members had a reality check....then looked at the current $7.25 rate.  The only path ahead for them?  Agree to some $1 rise ($8.25) and maybe hit $9 by 2024.

Logically, it makes sense.

Did the Joe-crew (running him and the White House) ask the Nancy Pelosi-team about the path?  No.  Zero communications.  

Do you get the impression....from the top ten Biden topics of January and February, that all ten have bumped into a wall and failed?  If you were Bill Clinton, George Bush, or Barak Obama....would you have stumbled this badly at the start?  No.  

Can Biden even do a retreat from $15 to $8.25?  No.  It would look ridiculous to the general population.  So he has to cancel out the talk entirely....let it lay there for six months, and dig up the rate change toward the end of 2021, with a one-dollar rise on the minimum wage.  

You would think that they'd have a person hired-up in the White have a one-hour meeting each week with Schumer and Pelosi, and iron out there's one single script.  This crew in Biden's office area?  Zero background and no grasp of the split government.  

All these burger-flippers and Piggly Wiggly cashiers....who dreamed of this magnificent $15 an hour deal by the end of 2021?  Back to work, and grumbling about that brief fantasy.  


 1.  Various news groups reported that Nikki Haley was told 'no'....she was not welcomed to Mar-a-Lago situation with Donald Trump.  Whoever was handling her for lobbyists....dug her deep enough into a mess...that she will probably never be able to primary as a Senator or House member for the state.  At best, some idiot Republican president down the line will appoint her as some ambassador.  Finished.

2.  This House bill for illegal migrants in the US?  It involves a 8-year period.  If you stand and look at this....those who enter legally, can submit the paperwork and go through the process in six to twelve months.  So in various ways, the legal folks still get ahead of the illegal folks.

3.  Reparations chatter starting up in the House?  More or less, President Biden said he'd support it.