I sat this morning and watched a press conference from Columbus, Ohio....with the shooting business.....where the reporter asked the police chief: Why can't you train your cops to just shoot people in the leg?
I sat there.....mostly amused and paused at that point....replaying the question five or six times.
A couple of years ago....there was this action-TV series....'Person of Interest', where the chief 'good-guy' always shot the bad guys in the leg, hip or thigh. Out of a hundred episodes....I think he must have shot 250 folks....all in the leg or hip. Far as I know....he never killed anyone.
Generally, in the Air Force training....both with the M-9 pistol and the M-16 rifle....you get a person 'target' and they kinda train you to aim for the chest. The idea of a leg shot? Well....you might have to fire ten rounds....to get the wound that put the guy down. Firing that many rounds....the odds are in favor of you hitting a second, third or fourth person in the landscape.....so it's not a wise strategy.
It would be curious if the reporter would go and sign up for shooting lessons at the local gun shop, and practice on shooting folks in leg. At some point, he'll accidentally fire a round or two at the 'dummy-target'....hitting the 'balls' and then he'll start asking himself if it's worse shooting the guy's crown jewels....or trying aim for the shoulder.