There's a great read over at RealClearScience this AM, and I recommend it. Writer? Ross Pomeroy, and the topic is: "Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals".
Various studies have been done, and Pomeroy talks about this situation....where a liberal guy/gal....seems to be more unhappy, than a conservative guy/gal....on average.
It's not something that I've really spent much time worrying about. Yeah, I probably noticed this more than 20 years ago, but it's not worth my effort to yank on this topic and get all disturbed by the unequal nature of it.
My view of the discussion goes to three key topics:
1. Generally, on the unhappy scale....a liberal person is just a bit more unhappy....feeling the world is against them, or they weren't treated right, or their advancement in life was hindered.
Then they want to talk about this....sitting at a bar or pub....sipping a whine, beer or cocktail. They'd also use a bit of cannabis or narcotic to cover their disappointment.
2. The liberal person generally has the attitude that things can be resolved, reshuffled, or corrected. This usually means selling their disappointment to a group....on a small or grand stage.
Other liberals will stand there.....maybe on a 50-50 trend at that point, but will buy into the 'gimmick' (meaning more people thinking this way than when the first guy stood up).
3. Finally, there is this behavioral thing....which liberals seem to be a magnet for. This include use of drugs and alcohol, spending too much time in isolation or limited groups, not getting enough quality sleep, chronic and substantial lack of activities, and finally having a zigzag path on outcomes.
I'm not saying conservatives are gifted or special, or on a happiness path. It's just that they seem to avoid living in the past and always looking for a better future. They expect that improved future....more than the liberal guy/gal.
I'll end this commentary with a belief....if you are looking for 'something' will probably find it. If you just cruising along and not really hyped up one way or another....whatever comes will be just another adventure. Adventures make for a more interesting life.