Friday, 3 February 2023

My Thoughts on 'Parasite' (the South Korean Movie)

 It is probably one of the top ten written pieces for a movie in the past forty years.  If you can find the movie, with the English's worth watching.

What I'll generally say....if you stopped it at the 30-minute point and were asked the direction that things were heading in the would be entirely wrong.  

If you stopped it at the 60-minute point....for a second time, saying you know how the story is would be entirely wrong again.  

Then you come to the final 12 minutes, where the movie flips you one more time.

Whoever crafted this story for movie, did an amazing job.  

The Thing About Classified Working Papers

 So, to explain this in simple detail.....when you go and read a classified do one of two things at the end.

First, you could just go and improve your knowledge over the topic, or to have discussion with Captain so-and-so or Colonel so-and-so about the issue presented in the report.

Second, you go and write what I'd call a classified working paper.  This is where you take knowledge in the report you read...combining it with another classified report or two, and limit to this to no more than twenty lines.  This is meant to be used in briefing some 'boss' and getting them smart on the topic.  

As you take the material and put it into the classified working stamp both the top and bottom with the highest classification of what you were reading.  You will have a declassify date on the bottom, and reference where you read the material (date, production group, etc). 

Yes, you treat the classified working classified.

So you gaze at President Biden's material and the way that the folks mentioned working materials (notes).

I'm guessing there are notebooks in the batch, and a hundred-odd pages of read material....with no classifications or references...but it's loaded with classified data.

What's the intent?

I would make this one single suggestion.....if you read through a 40-page report (classified) and it mentioned production problems in make X, Y or might want to create a middle-man situation where you approach a Chinese guy and say.....I can arrange for this sensitive technology to be sold to you, if you paid my friend $10-million in cash.  Since cash is a bad idea....they will come back and just say.....why do we not hire your friend to be a board member....paying them $1-million a month, for ten months?

The FBI with these classified working papers?  Well....this would take (without references or dates) least 12 months....maybe even 24 figure out the classification content. 

Legal trouble?  Once you get to the point of what the notes were about and how they were'd have fed charges to deal with.  

Just me thinking here....but I think Joe Biden will have to offer up some pardon that goes to his brother and son, and then quietly get a pardon from 'President' Harris as he walks out.  

All the money that the Bidens made?  None of it to be paid back.....if you were wondering about that.

Did they even make a ton?  By the time you add up the angles, for over 30 probably amounts to $300-million....just being middle men on various deals.  I wouldn't worry about Hunter....his profits went to cocaine, women and travel.  

It is kinda you wrote stupid working papers, and never destroyed them.