Friday, 3 September 2021

Sick-Days? For Students?

 So I read through this story today....Governor of Illinois....J.B. Pritzker (a Democrat) did the final signing of a law...that basically says students (meaning college and high school) could take a "mental health" emotional/mental day off....without any real paperwork/documents.....or signed by a doctor.

Parent's signature?  No....there's no mandate that Mom, or Dad have to sign the note.

So you'd just wake up on a Tuesday, and think.....'boy, I just feel negative', and take the day off (from the 9th grade).  Teacher asks you the next day where you were, and you took a day off.

The odds that this one day each month?  Oh yeah.

The odds in two years that you get a day-off every two weeks?  Oh yeah.

What does a kid do on a emotional day off? my old days....being sickly on the farm....I'd watch Gilligan's Island, Password, Phil Donahue, and General Hospital.  I'm kinda wondering what these kids of today will watch (probably zombie movies, or Zoom-Chat with Chinese revolutionary geeks).

Crapped-up?  Well....yeah, I'd say that.  If you came to me about feeling negative...I'd suggest you go haul 100 bales of hay on a warm July afternoon,  or fill a hundred sandbags, or cut firewood for a couple of hours.  

You just end up breeding 'losers' and everyone unfit for any moment of chaos or frustration in life.  

Taliban: 'Yeah, Our Chief Partner is China'

 Via a spokesperson for the Taliban yesterday....the organization confirmed their chief trading partner.

The old version of the Taliban (1990s)?  They would never have gone to some arrangement like this.

So the trend here?  The Chinese will arrive and set up the mining operations, with an understanding by the Taliban not to screw around or bring harm to any Chinese worker in the country.  Whether or not this works?  Anyone's guess.


 1.  Someone ought to sit down....analyze things....and prepare what I'd call a 'MUTE-index'.  This is where a certain person suddenly appears on your TV, and your mind reacts immediately with the finger going to the mute-button of the TV.  I'd probably have over sixty prominent characters and politicians on that list.

2.  Yeah, that mid-July phone call from President Biden to Afghanistan's Ghani (President) has come up as a problem.  The House Republicans have demanded text of the 'talk'.  They don't have the votes to get it (they will in January 2023).  

It is a repeat of Trump-treatment over Ukraine, and Biden is sitting there in a pretty crappy position.  He might survive all of this right now, but the day will come when this phone chat will be dragged out and impeachment is openly discussed.  

3.  President Biden leaving Friday for another vacation episode?  Well....the rumor started up yesterday that he's leaving for Delaware.  With Americans still stranded in Kabul?  Well....yeah.

The President on 'burn-out'?  If you consider....throughout all those years as Senator and eight years of VP....he's probably never had a 40-hour work-week in the last forty years.  This President business?  If you looked at past history...since the's turned into a 60-hour a week job.  So I would suggest Biden burn-out is going on presently.

4.  Over a hundred generals have signed a letter to the SECDEF and four-star leading the Pentagon....telling both to resign over the chaos of Afghanistan.  

I looked over the's blunt and direct.  I looked down the list of names and it's a an impressive list of past generals (at least from the Air Force side).  

Will it do anything?  No.  Both characters are there to stay.

5.  The thing about all these US weapons being 'captured' by the Taliban....if you don't have the maintenance contract and parts to maintain them....the weapons are worthless.

This isn't 1966 where various rifles, jeeps, trucks and tanks operated on, and on, and on.

All this equipment is built to fail within certain parameters, and if you don't have some US deal for parts....the equipment is metal-clutter.

6.   Joe Rogan got Covid.  Joe Rogan went to the max-list of drugs recommended.  Joe Rogan beat Covid in roughly three days.  

Note, Joe eats pretty well (at least nutritionally) out daily...and from the list of nine ways to get 'bad-Covid'....he doesn't have any of the health issues they talk about.  I'm not going to say the drug business did the deal.  

Note: Joe also likes an occasional bit of cannabis.  Maybe that had a positive trend on the virus as well.

7. Finally, the AP brought up this topic....Chinese government policy came up with a new more 'sissy-guys' on TV.  Either you appear as masculine....or you don't have a career on TV. 

I sat and paused over this.  After four years of college, and maybe twenty years of working for Channel 9 out of really don't want some government guy coming into the studio and pulling out the index to show you that your 'look' or behavior isn't manly enough. 

Where'd this idea come from?  Unknown.  But I'd be willing to bet within twelve months....the same index arrives in the US, and 3,000 male TV 'chatters' are told the same thing.  

The he-man era is returning.