Friday, 24 March 2023

My Gut Feeling Over the Pentagon UFO Chatter And Where It Leads To?

 It's a simple theory of mine.

I think a number of Navy and Air Force pilots have seen 'X' occur, and have come to the conclusion that 'X' can't be them, or the they can only be a UFO situation or a private commercial program.

So opens this discussion door that people have expressed for years...that in the early 1970s....most all of these 'hidden' programs were removed from the US government, and handed to a commercial organization to manage, with some cash moving from the gov't to the Pentagon....onto a commercial group for 'research'.

Without a lot of hype or finger-pointing....the military guys are dragging this discussion back to a central's not them with the who is it?

Standing behind a curtain....some commercial company is now wondering...just how long can you hide this 'act', and will someone eventually figure out this whole game.

The alien guys?  I think they are amused how their 'brand' or label has figured into this, and how a fake US program has consumed billions (each year), with nothing to really show.  

My Theory On The Trump Legal Cases 'Hype'

 In 2016, there were a total of 136.7-million people who voted in the United States election of Clinton/Trump.

In 2020, there were a total of 158.4-million people who voted in the United States election of Biden/Trump.

For reference in 2012, Obama/Romney had a total of 129-million.

So from 2012 to 2016, we added a total of 7.7-million.....from 2016 to 2020, we added roughly 22-million.

In my theory....for 2024....I don't believe the 2020 numbers can be sustained.  In fact, it'd would not shock me if we reverted back to around 2016's number of 136-to-138 million.

I don't think Joe Biden or any of the suggested candidates (AOC, Newsom, etc) can generate the hype to get 81-million votes.  

So a reset is needed....a cooling-off election where Trump is not in the landscape....either by x-charge or y-conviction.  Whatever formula comes to exist...Trump has to be excluded for a reset to occur.  

Am I saying anything was faked-up for 2020?  No....what I'm saying is that you can't reproduce the results again...even if you ran President Biden as the candidate.

If there are 20-odd-million votes missing in exactly do you think the CNN or Fox analyst can explain this?  People just walked off or disappeared?  The homeless vote that came and went?  Russian involvement in creating votes out of thin air?  

Just a theory that I have.  

The Low IQ Discussion

 In my Air Force years, about every six months, I'd come across someone with exceptionally low IQ.  

They were competent enough to perform normal regular tasks.  If you came to them with a fresh new problem out of thin air?  Well....that usually became a major problem, and any resolution was long and drawn out.

I won't say they were unproductive or a major problem.  It's just that they wanted things to stay 'status-quo'....meaning if things just worked....don't screw it up by changing things.  

For a number of years, I didn't see a problem with these people or status-quo.  

At some point, this group 'morphed' into a weird state of mind....they were anti-status-quo and wanted to bring 'change'.  In most cases, they never considered consequences or assigned a 'cost-factor' to the crapped-up changes they were bringing. 

It hit me one day (1990s)...that they were no longer enlisted people....they were captains, majors, and even generals.  They were people with degrees in some cases.

My guess the 1970s and was weakened enough...that folks with low IQs got into colleges, and were marginally accomplishing a degree.

The problem I now see long as these people were in the landscape and not in positions of authority....I didn't see a problem with them.  With them in leadership roles?  It starts to worry me a bit.  

Note: If you've never seen the movie 'Idiocracy', you might want to take some time and review it.  Excellent reference material.

The Two Problems With This NY City Trump Grand Jury Business

1.  The bulk of residents in the city are what I'd call 'working-class', and they know that probably over 3,000 incidents a year occur where some Wall Street guy, or some city hall manager, or some Broadway prominent person....pays off some guy or gal for a sexual affair.  

These same jury members are sitting and one ever seems to get charged-up, so why does this come up now?  

They aren't stupid....they just see this as BOLD print on the daily newspaper, and ask themselves....will any of the 3,000 incidents ever get picked-up by the federal prosecutor?  

2.  Then we come to the problem of present day crime in NY City, and how no one seems to have a desire to prosecute on assaults or robbery.  This jury could view prosecution now as a joke.

I'm not giving Trump a pass, but when you view the past twenty years of fake news and public skepticism....a Grand Jury review might not have the strength it did....from the 1970s.