It's a simple theory of mine.
I think a number of Navy and Air Force pilots have seen 'X' occur, and have come to the conclusion that 'X' can't be them, or the they can only be a UFO situation or a private commercial program.
So opens this discussion door that people have expressed for years...that in the early 1970s....most all of these 'hidden' programs were removed from the US government, and handed to a commercial organization to manage, with some cash moving from the gov't to the Pentagon....onto a commercial group for 'research'.
Without a lot of hype or finger-pointing....the military guys are dragging this discussion back to a central's not them with the who is it?
Standing behind a curtain....some commercial company is now wondering...just how long can you hide this 'act', and will someone eventually figure out this whole game.
The alien guys? I think they are amused how their 'brand' or label has figured into this, and how a fake US program has consumed billions (each year), with nothing to really show.